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Comparison of crystal structures of the same symmetry C2/c ( No. 15 ) [ unique axis b ]

Structure #1

13.800 5.691 9.420 90.0 102.3 90.0
Pb  1 4e  0.000000  0.291000  0.250000
Pb  2 8f  0.317000  0.309000  0.352000
P 1 8f  0.599000  0.241000  0.447000
O 1 8f  0.643000  0.030000  0.392000
O 2 8f  0.634000  0.464000  0.374000
O 3 8f  0.642000  0.280000  0.612000
O 4 8f  0.491000  0.222000  0.420000

Structure #2

13.967 5.560 40.778 90.0 166.713 90.0
Pb  1 4e  0.000000  0.000000  0.750000
Pb  2 8f  0.000000  0.000000  0.856300
P 1 8f  0.000000  0.000000  0.951100
O 1 8f  0.000000  0.000000  0.914500
O 2 8f  0.271500  0.728500  0.888500
O 3 8f  0.957000  0.500000  0.117000
O 4 8f  0.728500  0.271500  0.611500

Description of Structure #2 in the most similar configuration to Structure #1

13.967000 5.560000 9.630055 90.000000 103.295059 90.000000 
Pb  1 4e  0.500000  0.250000  0.750000
Pb  2 8f  0.818900  0.250000  0.856300
P 1 8f  0.103300  0.250000  0.951100
O 1 8f  0.993500  0.250000  0.914500
O 2 8f  0.644000  0.521500  0.888500
O 3 8f  0.644000  0.750000  0.117000
O 4 8f  0.356000  0.978500  0.611500

Transformation matrix (P, p): -a,-b,3a+c ; 1/4,1/4,0
Matrix form:
(P, p) =
  -1   0   3   1/4
   0  -1   0   1/4
   0   0   1    0

Atom pairings and distances

Atom Mappings
WPAtomCoordinates in S1AtomCoordinates in S2

WPAtomAtomic Displacements
4e(0,y,1/4)Pb1 0.0000 -0.0410 0.0000 0.2333
8f(x,y,z)Pb2 0.0019 -0.0590 0.0043 0.3386
8f(x,y,z)P1 0.0043 0.0090 0.0041 0.0816
8f(x,y,z)O1 0.0010 -0.0085 -0.0035 0.0617
8f(x,y,z)O2 0.0100 0.0145 0.0145 0.1910
8f(x,y,z)O3 0.0020 -0.0300 0.0050 0.1777
8f(x,y,z)O4 0.0025 0.0280 -0.0055 0.1733

NOTE: ux, uy and uz are given in relative units. |u| is the absolute distance given in Å

Evaluation of the structure similarity

Sdmax. (Å)dav. (Å)Δ

  • Lattice and atomic position criteria:

    • The degree of lattice distortion (S) is the spontaneous strain (sum of the squared eigenvalues of the strain tensor divided by 3). For the given two structures, the degree of lattice distortion (S) is 0.0116.

    • The maximum distance (dmax.) shows the maximal displacement between the atomic positions of the paired atoms. The maximum distance (dmax.) in this case is: 0.3386 Å

  • The arithmetic mean (dav) of the distance. In this case, the arithmetic mean (dav) is 0.1755 Å
  • The measure of similarity (Δ) (Bergerhoff et al., 1998) is a function of the differences in atomic positions (weighted by the multiplicities of the sites) and the ratios of the corresponding lattice parameters of the structures. The measure of similarity (Δ) calculated for this case is 0.066.

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