Jmol 11.1.14 introduces new capability to do arithmetic with variables that can be assigned values based on a model. This text file simply lists some of the possibilities: EXPORTING SELECTED FILE FORMATS xyzFileData = "" + {selected}.size + "\n\n" + {selected}.label("%2a %10.6x %10.6y %10.6z") molFileData = "line1\nline2\nline3\n"+(""+{selected}.size)%-3+(""+{selected}.bonds.size)%-3+" 0 0 0\n"+{selected}.labels("%-10.4x%-10.4y%-10.4z %2e 0 0 0 0 0")+{selected}.bonds.labels("%3D1%3D2%3ORDER 0 0 0") pdbAtomData = {selected and not hetero}.label("ATOM %5i %-3a%1A%3n %1c%4R%1E %8.3x%8.3y%8.3z%6.2Q%6.2b %2e ") pdbHeteroData = {selected and hetero}.label("HETATM%5i %-4a%1A%3n %1c%4R%1E %8.3x%8.3y%8.3z%6.2Q%6.2b %2e ") APPLICATION: 1) define the variables as above 2) write the variable to disk using, for example: write xyzFileData APPLET: 1) define the variables using jmolScriptWait() 2) use jmolScriptEcho (new in Jmol.js 2/22/07) and the echo command to retrieve the data: jmolScriptWait('xyzFileData = "" + {selected} + "\n\n" + {selected}.label("%2a %10.6x %10.6y %10.6z")') var = jmolScriptEcho("echo %{xyzFileData}")