@source http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol @author hansonr@stolaf.edu 7:38 AM 9/18/2012 JSmol -- Java(Script) web-based molecular viewer see jmol.sourceforge.net jsmol.sourceforge.net This zip directory contains the first work in progress toward a complete Java->JavaScript code conversion for Jmol. It was created three weeks into the project. Note that JSmol is not a different program than Jmol. JSmol is Jmol, just compiled into JavaScript as well as Java byte code. All development is done working with the trunk Jmol Java source, but compilation of that code creates both Java .class files and equivalent JavaScript .js files As such, JSmol has just about all of the features of Jmol: full (non-binary) file reading full Jmol scripting (including atom selection and Jmol Math) full Jmol shape object support The two caveates are that surface creation is too slow to be useful without server-side help (exploring that...), and we don't at this time have a binary file reader (so Spartan files must first be converted by Jmol/Java into ASCII files to be read by JSmol; again, a little server-side support here should fix that). So at the time of this writing (Sept. 2012, about a month into development), surface commands are not recommended. Status: complete Jmol code implementation Java2Script js code adapted successfully To do: tie in GLmol-based graphics add mouse event capture/orientation animation and spin pseudothreads server-based surface/calculation assistance using JVXL surface compression performance enhancement in function calling performance enhancement involving packaging of JavaScript classes What's here: jsmol.htm and jsmol2.htm are simple pages that just load a model or two. The main test page is test2.htm. test2.htm is a general test of the integration of JSmol with JmolJSO This Jmol page should automatically switch to different modes depending upon browser capabilities. When operational, it will use the signed Jmol applet, the unsigned Jmol applet with server-side help, or GLmol and/or JSmol using HTML5 with (iPad/iPhone) or without (Android) WebGL. JSmol implements Java2Script to recreate the entire Jmol Java applet in JavaScript. On the server side, it uses jmolcd2.php for delivering cross-domain models into the viewer. Credits: Jmol code conversion to JavaScript by Bob Hanson. GLmol interface written by Takanori Nakane. Java2Script written by Zhou Renjian, et al.