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CDX Element List

This data type consists of a series of UINT16 values.

In CDX files, this data type is prefixed by an additional INT16 value whose absolute value indicates the total number of values to follow. If the sign of that prefix is negative, then the list actually represents a "not" list.

In CDXML files, this data type may be prefixed by an additional "NOT" string. If present, that string indicate that the list actually represents a "not" list.

CDX: 03 00 09 00 11 00 23 00
CDXML: "9 17 35"
logical: [F, Cl, Br]
CDX: FD FF 09 00 11 00 23 00
CDXML: "NOT 9 17 35"
logical: NOT [F, Cl, Br]


See the complete list of CDX data types


CDX Documentation index