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CDX String Data Types


In CDX files, a CDXString is a variable-length struct that consists of:
Bytes Type Contents
0-1 UINT16 Style run count: The number of style runs for this text.

For each style run:
0-1 UINT16 The character at which this style starts
2-9 Style run A struct describing this style run

n... Text The string's text written out. The string's length is implicit and determined by subtracting the length of the first two items from the total length of the CDXText object

The first two bytes of a CDXString are a UINT16 indicating the number of font style runs. If the number of font style runs is zero, the string is taken to be ISO Latin 1 with no particular font or size specified. In some cases, this may imply the use of a default text style specified elsewhere. If the number of font style runs is not zero, it is followed by that many number of font style runs (see below), which is then followed by string text.

In CDXML files, a CDXString is an ordered sequence of one or more Style objects.

Examples: (assuming arbitrary index/id of "3" for the font, 12-point text, arbitrary index/id of "4" for the color)
Text CDX: 00 00 54 65 78 74
CDXML: <s>Text</s>
Text CDX: 01 00 00 00 03 00 01 00
0C 00 04 00 54 65 78 74
CDXML: <s font="3" size="12" face="1">Text</s>
Text CDX: 03 00 00 00 03 00 01 00
00 00 0C 00 04 00 02 00
03 00 05 00 00 00 0C 00
04 00 03 00 03 00 00 00
0C 00 04 00 54 65 78 74
CDXML: <s font="3" size="12" face="1">Te</s>
<s font="3" size="12" face="5">x</s>
<s font="3" size="12" >t</s>

Font style run:

In CDX files, a font style is an 8-byte struct that consists of:
Bytes Type Contents
0-1 UINT16 A zero-based index to a font table. There must be at least one font table within an object or its container objects.
2-3 UINT16 Font type:
0x00 : plain
0x01 : bold
0x02 : italic
0x04 : underline
0x08 : outline
0x10 : shadow
0x20 : subscript
0x40 : superscript
0x60 : formula (style in which subscript or superscript style is selected appropriately depending on the formula label)

Note that the subscript, superscript, and formula styles are mutually exclusive. The other styles may be combined by OR-ing the type codes. For example, bold italic is 0x03 (= 0x01 | 0x02).

The outline and shadow styles are only useful on Macintosh computers.

4-5 UINT16 Font size, measured in 20ths of a point. Note that this is an integral field, which implies that CDX files cannot store font sizes any more accurately than the nearest 0.05 of a point.
6-7 UINT16 Font color


See the complete list of CDX data types


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