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Atom_ElementList Property

CDXML Name:ElementList
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Atom_ElementList
CDX Constant Value:0x0403
Data Size:CDXElementList
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Node
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0 / 6.0


A list of atomic numbers.

This property is irrelevent except for nodes with a kCDXProp_Node_Type of ElementList or ElementListNickname. This property is used in conjunction with the kCDXProp_Atom_GenericList property. Either or both lists may be populated for a given node of ElementList or ElementListNickname type.

If this property is absent:

The element list values should be derived from the contained Text object, if present. If no such object is present, the list is empty, which is almost certainly undesired.


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