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BondSpacingAbs Property

CDXML Name:BondSpacingAbs
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_BondSpacingAbs
CDX Constant Value:0x0822
Data Size:CDXCoordinate
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Bond
First written/read in:ChemDraw 7.0


The absolute distance between segments of a multiple bond.

Note that this property is redundant with kCDXProp_BondSpacing (in combination with kCDXProp_BondLength). Only one of the two need be present. If both are present and contradictary, ChemDraw gives preference to the BondSpacingAbs value.

If this property is absent:

If present, the kCDXProp_BondSpacing value will be used. If that property is not present, then the value from the same property of a containing object will be used. That is, if this property is omitted from an object, but present for the Document, the Document's value will be used. If no value is found at all, ChemDraw will use the value from its last-used Style Sheet.


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