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Bond_Display Property

CDXML Name:Display
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Bond_Display
CDX Constant Value:0x0601
Data Size:INT16
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Bond
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


The display type of a bond object.

ChemDraw does not support all display values (unsupport values are provided for future compatibility). For single bonds, all but Dot and DashDot are supported. For double bonds, Solid, Dash, and Bold are supported, and Wavy is treated as a double-either (crossed) bond. For triple and quadruple bonds, only Solid is supported.

See also kCDXProp_Bond_Display2.

This is an enumerated property. Acceptible values are shown in the following list:
Value CDXML Name Description
0 Solid Solid bond
1 Dash Dashed bond
2 Hash Hashed bond
3 WedgedHashBegin Wedged hashed bond with the narrow end on the "begin" atom
4 WedgedHashEnd Wedged hashed bond with the narrow end on the "end" atom
5 Bold Bold bond
6 WedgeBegin Wedged solid bond with the narrow end on the "begin" atom
7 WedgeEnd Wedged solid bond with the narrow end on the "end" atom
8 Wavy Wavy bond
9 HollowWedgeBegin Wedged hollow bond with the narrow end on the "begin" atom
10 HollowWedgeEnd Wedged hollow bond with the narrow end on the "end" atom
11 WavyWedgeBegin Wedged wavy bond with the narrow end on the "begin" atom
12 WavyWedgeEnd Wedged wavy bond with the narrow end on the "end" atom
13 Dot Dotted bond
14 DashDot Dashed-and-dotted bond

If this property is absent:

The bond is treated as Solid. Additionally, any unsupported type will also be treated as Solid.


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