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GeometricFeature Property

CDXML Name:GeometricFeature
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_GeometricFeature
CDX Constant Value:0x0B80
Data Size:INT8
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Geometry
First written/read in:ChemDraw 8.0


The type of the geometrical feature (point, line, plane, etc.).

For the purpose of Geometry objects based on other objects:

This is an enumerated property. Acceptible values are shown in the following list:
Value CDXML Name Description
0 Undefined Geometric feature type is undefined
1 PointFromPointPointDistance A point defined by two points and a distance. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an ordered list of two other points. This new point will be positioned at a given distance (may be negative) from the first of those points in the direction of the second of those points)
2 PointFromPointPointPercentage A point defined by two points and a percentage. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an ordered list of two other points. This new point will be positioned at a given percentage of the distance (may be negative) from the first of those points in the direction of the second of those points)
3 PointFromPointNormalDistance A point defined by a point, a normal line, and a distance. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of a point and a normal. This new point will be positioned at a given distance (may be negative) from the point in the direction of the indicated by the normal)
4 LineFromPoints A best fit line defined by two or more points. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of at least two points. If more than two points are used to define this line, a maximum RMS deviation may also be specified
5 PlaneFromPoints A best fit plane defined by three or more points. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of at least three points. If more than three points are used to define this line, a maximum RMS deviation may also be specified
6 PlaneFromPointLine A plane defined by a point and a line. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of at a point and a line.
7 CentroidFromPoints A centroid defined by points. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of at least one point
8 NormalFromPointPlane A normal line defined by a point and a plane. kCDXProp_BasisObjects should be present and contain an unordered list consisting of at a point and a plane.

If this property is absent:

The type will be treated as Undefined.


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