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Header Property

CDXML Name:Header
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Header
CDX Constant Value:0x0815
Data Size:CDXString
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Page
First written/read in:ChemDraw 6.0


The text of the header.

A header, if present, will print at the top of each page (for Documents with a DrawingSpaceType of type Pages) or at the top of the drawing space (for Documents with a DrawingSpaceType of type Pages. It will be offset from the top of the page by the amount specified by the kCDXProp_HeaderPosition property.

In addition to the raw text, the following special sequences may be used:

&f File name
&p Page number
&d Date printed
&t Time printed
&r Text that follows should be right-justified
&c Text that follows should be centered
&l Text that follows should be left-justified

If this property is absent:

The document has no header.


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