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LineHeight Property

CDXML Name:LineHeight
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_LineHeight
CDX Constant Value:0x0702
Data Size:UINT16
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Text
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


The line height of a text object.

The value stored in this property is in screen units. So, for example, a reasonable line height for 12-point text would be 12 (ore maybe a smidge more). There are, additionally, two special values: the value 0 provides Variable line height (determined by the tallest character on each line), and the value 1 provides Automatic line height (determined by the tallest character on any line in the text object).

This property is considered obsolete starting with ChemDraw 7.0. Values stored in the kCDXProp_CaptionLineHeight and kCDXProp_LabelLineHeight properties are used preferentially, if present. ChemDraw will continue to write this property for backward-compatibility, however.

If this property is absent:

The value from the same property of a containing object will be used. That is, if this property is omitted from an object, but present for the Document, the Document's value will be used. If no value is found at all, ChemDraw will use the value from its last-used Style Sheet. If no information is found in the Style Sheet either, then atom labels have a Variable line height, and non-atomlabel text has an Automatic line height.


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