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Line_Type Property

CDXML Name:LineType
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Line_Type
CDX Constant Value:0x0A01
Data Size:INT16
Property of objects:kCDXObj_Graphic, kCDXObj_Border, kCDXObj_Arrow
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


The type of a line object.

In CDX files produced by ChemDraw 8.0, this property was mistakenly written as a 1-byte INT8 value. When reading CDX files, if the size of this property is found to be 1 byte instead of the expected 2 bytes, the actual value should be interpreted as actualType = (INT16)savedType. CDX format interpreters that follow the best practices for reading integer values from CDX files will handle this error automatically. ChemDraw returned to writing INT16 values starting with version 8.0.6.

This is an enumerated property. Acceptible values are shown in the following list:
Value CDXML Name Description
0 Solid Solid line
1 Dashed Dashed line
2 Bold Bold line
4 Wavy Wavy line

If this property is absent:

The line is treated as solid.


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