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Picture_EditionAlias Property

CDXML Name:EditionAlias
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Picture_EditionAlias
CDX Constant Value:0x0A61
Data Size:Unformatted
Property of objects:kCDXObj_EmbeddedObject
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


The alias information of the Macintosh Publish & Subscribe edition embedded in the CDX picture object.

It exists only on Macintosh platform, and it should be present if Picture_Edition is present. Apple Computer, Inc. has remove support of Publish and Subscribe from recent versions of MacOS. This property will only be written or read in ChemDraw 6.0 and earlier.

If this property is absent:

The various types of Embedded Objects are independent. There should be at least one of the kCDXProp_Picture_Edition, kCDXProp_MacPICT, kCDXProp_OLEObject, kCDXProp_EnhancedMetafile, kCDXProp_WindowsMetafile, kCDXProp_GIF, kCDXProp_TIFF, kCDXProp_PNG, kCDXProp_JPEG, and kCDXProp_BMP properties present. If none are present (or the only one present is unreadable on a given platform or version), the object displays as an empty box.


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