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Positioning Property

CDXML Name:PositioningType
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_Positioning
CDX Constant Value:0x0D06
Data Size:INT8
Property of objects:kCDXObj_ObjectTag, kCDXObj_ChemicalProperty
First written/read in:ChemDraw 7.0


How the object should be positioned with respect to its containing object.

This is an enumerated property. Acceptible values are shown in the following list:
Value CDXML Name Description
0 auto Indicator is positioned automatically
1 angle Indicator is positioned by a specified angle (requires kCDXProp_PositioningAngle)
2 offset Indicator is positioned by a specified offset (requires kCDXProp_PositioningOffset)
3 absolute Indicator is positioned by a specified offset from the top-left of the page (requires kCDXProp_PositioningOffset)

If this property is absent:

The object is positioned automatically.


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