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ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Manual Property

CDXML Name:ReactionStepAtomMapManual
CDX Constant Name:kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Manual
CDX Constant Value:0x0C07
Data Size:CDXObjectIDArray
Property of objects:kCDXObj_ReactionStep
First written/read in:ChemDraw 8.0


Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.

The combination of this property and kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Auto is redundant with the property and kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map. A given mapping listed in this property may also be listed in kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map. Programs should choose which fields to read based on which information they are interested in.

If this property is absent:

This Reaction Step has no atom-atom mapping.


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