This Jmol Web Page Maker dialog generates some simple web pages that display views you design within the Jmol application.  You can edit the pages created using a standard web editor to change the text.  More detailed instructions for each of the types of pages is accessible in the tab for each.  Instructions for making your web site use the Jmol applet, so that people can access the pages you create, are also included.  You select the page type you want by clicking on the tabs above.  The available types are:
  1. Pop-in: this template allows you to create a page with multiple images of your Jmol views.  When a user clicks on one of these pictures, it becomes a live Jmol applet that can be rotated, zoomed, etc.
  2. ScriptButton: this template displays a single Jmol applet on the right side of the browser window.  On the left side is a scrolling region with buttons that allow the user to select the view.
There are also some widgets that you can select to appear with your applet.  These widgets give the user additional control over the applet.  See the help for more details.