Page Templates Set Up
> Pop-In
> Scriptbutton
> Widgets
>> Spin on/off
>> Open Console Button
>> Background Color
>> Stereo Mode
>> Animation Controls
> Path to Jmol
> Jmol on your server
> Testing locally (no server)

Widgets (Temporarily unavailable)
(Jmol controls)

When you set up a Jmol web page you can choose to have widgets appear next to the active Jmol in Pop-In pages and below the applet in Scriptbutton pages.  Widgets give the user additional control over how the applet works.  For instance it might allow them to change the background color.  The available widgets are listed above.  Clicking on the link will take you to the more detailed description of each widget or you can just scroll down to read all the descriptions below.  Would you like a widget that we don't have?  Request it by making a feature request at the Jmol web site (visit, click on the 'Project pages' link, then on 'Feature Requests').

Spin on/off
Provides a check box to control spinning of the molecule.  Checking the box starts the molecule spinning.  Unchecking the box stops the spinning.

Open Console Button
Provides a button that opens the Jmol console.

Background Color
Provides a pop-up color picker from which the user can choose the background color.

Stereo Mode
Provides a menu to select among:  stereo off, red/blue, red/cyan or red/green stereo modes.

Animation Controls
Provides buttons to control the animation mode (play once, palindrome, loop), plus start, stop and forward or backward one frame.