// compstru_bh.js // A script for creating the compstru report page Jmol capability // Bob Hanson and Ben Hinke, St. Olaf College // BH 5/30/2018 11:12:27 PM // put your j2s path here var j2sPath = "https://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/j2s"; getStructure = function(n) { var data = document.getElementsByName("stru")[(n-1)*2].value; return data } showDistance = function() { var num1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("distnum").value); if (isNaN(num1)) num1 = 0.5; var script = 'set labelfor {*} ""; ' + 'cscheme = "bwr";' + 'c = {fx<1 & fy <1 & fz < 1 && fx>=0 & fy >=0 & fz >=0};' + 'rmax = 2.0;' + 's1= {1.1 & c}; s2 = {2.1 & c};' + 'x=s2.distance.min({1.1}); s2.property_d = x; select s2; label %3.3[property_d];color {1.1} grey;' + 'select {2.1}; color property_d @cscheme range 0 @rmax; z=x.max.format("%3.2f"); y=x.min.format("%3.2f");' + 'info = getProperty("auxiliaryinfo.models");' + 'abc1 = info[1].unitCellParams; abc2 = info[2].unitCellParams;' + 'a1 = abc1[1]; b1 = abc1[2]; c1 = abc1[3];' + 'a2 = abc2[1]; b2 = abc2[2]; c2 = abc2[3];' + 'dd = b2/b1*c2/c1*a1/a2*a1/a2;' + 'dc = s2.fxyz.all.distance.min({1.1}.fxyz.all).average;' + 'delta = (sqrt(2) * dc + 1) * (dd < 1 ? 1 / dd : dd) - 1;' + 'delta=delta.format("%3.3f") ;set echo bottom left;' if (structureType == '3 and 1') { script +='caption="\u2206=@{delta}";'; } else { script += 'cmin=("" + color(cscheme,0,rmax,y)).replace("{","[").replace("}","]").replace(" ",",");' + 'cmax=("" + color(cscheme,0,rmax,z)).replace("{","[").replace("}","]").replace(" ",",");' + 'caption="min=@{y} max=@{z}";'; } script += 'echo @caption;select *;labels off; font labels 20;background labels yellow;set labelfor {property_d >' + num1 + '} "%3.3[property_d]"' Jmol.scriptWait(jmol, script) } var structureType = null loadStructure = function(n1,n2,to1) { var script = "na = {*}; if (na){save orientation a};load data 'mydata'\n" + getStructure(n1) + "\nend 'mydata' {444 666 1};\ndisplay cell=555;" +"if (na){restore orientation a}else{zoom *2.5;save orientation a}" if(to1) { //This is for the #3->#1 structure structureType = "3 to 1" var struc1 = getStructure(n1).split("\n") var struc2 = getStructure(n2).split("\n") struc2[1] = struc1[1] script += ";load data 'append'\n" + struc2.join("\n") + "\nend 'append' packed 0.2; frame all;restore orientation a;display cell=555;" } else if(n2) { structureType = "3 and 1" script += ";load data 'append'\n" + getStructure(n2) + "\nend 'append' packed 0.2; frame all;restore orientation a;display cell=555;" + "unitcell {2.1}; draw width 0.1 unitcell mesh nofill; unitcell {1.1}" } Jmol.scriptWait(jmol, script) var atomNames = Jmol.evaluateVar(jmol, "{1.1}.atomname.pivot.keys") //alert(JSON.stringify(atomNames)) //var s = "" //}; //jQuery $("#atomNames").html(s); } var script = "set antialiasdisplay; set zoomlarge false"; jmolReady = function() { loadStructure(1); } var Info = { width: 450, height: 450, script: script, use: "HTML5", j2sPath: j2sPath, isSigned: false, addSelectionOptions: false, serverURL: "https://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/php/jsmol.php", readyFunction: jmolReady, // console: "jmol_infodiv", // disableInitialConsole: true, defaultModel: null, debug: false } $(document).ready(function(){ // This demonstration shows that // what is put on the page can depend upon the platform. // Note that the use of $(document.ready()) is optional but preferred. // You can do the traditional in-body coding if you want. See also simple2-nojq.htm. // But as Gusts Kaksis pointed out, if we are using jQuery for database lookups, we might // as well use it for more than that. // note that we create the applet first, before the controls, because // we need window.jmol to be defined for those, and Jmol.getAppletHtml does that. $("#middlepanel").html(Jmol.getAppletHtml("jmol", Info)); // alternatively, you can use // // jmol = "jmol" // // and then create the buttons before the applet itself. // Just make sure if you do that to use the name of the applet you are // actually going to be using. So, perhaps: // // jmolApplet0 = "jmolApplet0" // var use = (Info.use != "JAVA" ? Info.use : Info.isSigned ? "SIGNED" : "JAVA"); var radios = [ ["set background white", "white", true], ["set background black", "black"] ]; // right panel Jmol.setButtonCss(null, "style='width:160px'"); $("#rightpanel").html( Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){loadStructure(1)}],"Load Structure #1") + "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){loadStructure(2)}],"Load Structure #2") + "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){loadStructure(3)}],"Load Structure #3") + "

" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){loadStructure(1,3)}],"Load Structure #1+#3") + "
" + Jmol.jmolRadioGroup(jmol,[["display 1.1;unitcell {1.1}; draw off;","#1"],["display 2.1;unitcell {2.1}; draw off;","#3"],["display all; unitcell {1.1};draw on;","both"]]) + "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){loadStructure(1,3,true)}],"Load Structure #3 \u21e8#1") + "
" + Jmol.jmolRadioGroup(jmol,[["display 1.1;","#1"],["display 2.1;","#3"],["display all;","both"]]) + "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,[function(){showDistance()}],"Show Distance") + "
" + 'cutoff:' + "

" // + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"write FILE ?","Save FILE") + "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"write PNGJ jsmol.png","Save PNG+Jmol") // + "

" + Jmol.jmolLink(jmol, "JSCONSOLE", "show info") ); // lower panel: Jmol.setButtonCss(null,"style='width:120px'"); var s = "
" + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"wireframe -0.1 #alt:SETTING Line", "wireframe") + Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"spacefill only;spacefill 23%;wireframe 0.15 #alt:SETTING Ball and Stick","ball&stick"); s += Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"spacefill #alt:SETTING van der Waals Spheres", "spacefill"); Jmol.setButtonCss(null,"style='width:100px'"); s += "
" s += Jmol.jmolButton(jmol,"console"); s += Jmol.jmolCommandInput(jmol); $("#lowerpanel").html(s); }) //]]>