# Log configuration file # # This file controls the amount of logging output # generated by various classes or methods. # # The different logging levels are # # DEBUG # DEBUG3 # DEBUG2 # DEBUG1 # INFO # WARN # ERROR # FATAL # NOTHING # # The setting 'level' controls the overall level of # logging output. This means if you want to enable # logging in a particular class you must set level # to that level or lower. # # The setting 'classname' controls whether the entire # class is printed in the log statements or just the # method name. # # The logging is designed to have a low impact on # performance of the program, and can be configured # at run time by means of this file. # # Mike Hartshorn, Astex Technology Ltd, 2003 #classname = FULL #level = DEBUG #astex.MoleculeRenderer.drawMolecules = DEBUG