Demonstration of Jmol's native 2D to 3D conversion from JSME without use of the NCI/CADD server. Requires JSmolJME.js.

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jmol = Jmol.getApplet("jmol", JmolInfo)
jme = Jmol.getJMEApplet("jme", JMEInfo);

Jmol.byName = function() {
 jme.loadM || (jme.loadM = jme.__loadModel);
 var s = prompt("Enter a chemical name, SMILES, or other chemical identifier", jme.lastID || "tylenol");
 if (!s)return;
 jme.lastID = s;
 var path = ""
	+ encodeURI(s.trim())
	+ "/file?format=sdf&operator=remove_hydrogens"
 jme.__loadModel = function(data) {jme.loadM.apply(jme,[data]);Jmol.asDrawn();}

Jmol.asDrawn = function() {
  Jmol.script(jmol, "zap;set echo top left;echo working...;refresh;load DATA \"test\"" + jme._applet.jmeFile() + "end \"test\"");