// Emily Rabe, Bob Hanson, St. Olaf College Independent Study in Materials Science // 3:04 PM 3/14/2013 var a1, a2, a3, pt0, pt1; n = 6//prompt("What is n?", 6) m = 4//prompt("What is m?", 4) function getN() { n = prompt("What do you want for n?", 6) } function getM() { m = prompt("What do you want for m?", 4) } set zoomlarge false watchWrap = false//(prompt("Watch it wrap?", "no") != "no") function doLoad() { load $SCRIPT_PATH$/rabe.phonon 1 {20 20 1} delete {molecule != 1} center @1 //moveto /* time, axisAngle */ 0.0 { -503 863 49 5.4} /* zoom, translation */ 717.7 -31.61 6.47 /* center, rotationRadius */ {0.0 0.0 1.6775} 50.295048 /* navigation center, translation, depth */ {0.0 0.0 0.0} -32.276844 7.033482 0.0; //save coord c0 unitcell off axes off } function getVectorsAndOrigin() { var a = {1/1 0 0} var b = {0 1/1 0} a1 = a + b a2 = b a3 = cross(a1, a2) var v = @85.xyz - @3.xyz pt0 = @1.xyz + v pt1 = pt0 } function drawa1a2() { //draw pt0 @pt0 draw a1 vector @pt0 @a1 draw a2 vector @pt0 @a2 color $a1 red color $a2 blue zoomto @pt0 500 } function drawComponent1() { var pt = pt0 hide $a1 for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = "va1_"+i draw ID @id vector @pt @a1 color red color $@id red pt += a1 } pt1 = pt zoomto /2 } function drawComponent2() { var pt = pt1 hide $a2 for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) { var id = "va2_"+i draw ID @id vector @pt @a2 color blue color $@id blue pt += a2 } zoomto /1.5 } function getVnm() { return a1 * n + a2 * m } function drawVnm() { var vnm = getVnm() / 10 var pt = pt0 var id; for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { id = "vc_"+i pt2 = pt + vnm draw ID @id @pt @pt2 color yellow pt = pt2 } id = "vc" draw ID @id vector @pt @vnm color yellow } function hideNM() { var vnm = getVnm() var ang = angle(vnm, {0 0 0}, a1) var v = pt0 + a3 select * translateselected @{-pt0} rotateselected @pt0 @v @{-ang} var c = 1.0 * vnm + 3 display x <= c rotateselected @pt0 @v @{ang} translateselected @{pt0} zoomto {visible} 0 } function makeTube(f) { if (!f) f = 0.0 var vnm = getVnm() var ang = angle(vnm, {0 0 0}, a1) var v = pt0 + a3 movePoints({*}, v, ang, vnm, f) moveComponents(v, ang, vnm, f) center {*} zoomto *4 } function movePoints(atoms, v, ang, vnm, f) { select {atoms} translateselected @{-pt0} rotateselected @pt0 @v @{-ang} for (a in {selected}) { wrap(a, vnm, f) } rotateselected @pt0 @v @{ang} translateselected @{pt0} } function moveComponents(v, ang, vnm, f) { var pt = pt0 hide $a1 hide $a2 var np = 20 var a = {hidden}[1][2] var a11 = a1*n/np draw delete for (var i = 0; i < np; i++) { var id = "va1_"+i var ptX1 = pt var ptX2 = pt + a11 a[1].xyz = ptX1 a[2].xyz = ptX2 movePoints(a, v, ang, vnm, f) draw ID @id @{a[1]} @{a[2]} color red color $@id red pt += a11 } var a22 = a2*m/np for (var i = 0; i < np; i++) { var id = "va2_"+i var ptX1 = pt var ptX2 = pt + a22 a[1].xyz = ptX1 a[2].xyz = ptX2 movePoints(a, v, ang, vnm, f) draw ID @id @{a[1]} @{a[2]} color blue color $@id blue pt += a22 } var v2 = getVnm() / np var pt = pt0 for (var i = 0; i < np; i++) { id = "vc_"+i var ptX1 = pt var ptX2 = pt + v2 a[1].xyz = ptX1 a[2].xyz = ptX2 movePoints(a, v, ang, vnm, f) draw ID @id @{a[1]} @{a[2]} color yellow color $@id yellow pt += v2 } } function wrap(a, vnm, f) { if (!f) f = 0.0 // at this point, an atom at {0 0 0} is at pt0 // and the x coord of an atom is along vnm var c = 1.0 * vnm + f var pi = 3.1415926 vnm = point(c, 0, 0) var r = c / (2.0 * pi) var theta = 360.0 * a.x / c a.x = r * sin(theta) a.z = r * (1 - cos(theta)) } function showTitle() { set echo top center var s = "n = "+n+" m = " + m echo @s } doLoad() getVectorsAndOrigin() drawa1a2() drawComponent1() drawComponent2() getVnm() drawVnm() hideNM() makeTube() /* drawComponent1() drawComponent2() getVnm() drawVnm() hideNM() makeTube() if (watchWrap) { set zshade off save coord c for (var i = 20; i >= 0; i = i - 2) { restore coord c makeTube(1.0 * i) refresh } } else { makeTube() } */ set zshade set zshadepower 5 set zslab 50