// bz.spt // // MACRO BZ // // A generally useful script for creating Brillouin zones // This script is experimental; it is under development // // BH 11/4/2017 7:01:53 PM adds createWS "id" -- create a Wigner-Seitz cell // BH 5/21/2016 5:22:47 AM based on BZ.spt // BH 5/22/2016 6:58:08 AM // global options: bzDrawPointsAndEdges = false; bzSavePmeshes = false; // global variables: bzones = []; // Brillouin zones bzGamma = {0 0 0}; bzFaceCenters = []; bzLatticePts = []; bzLatticePtsAll = []; bzPlanePtsAll = []; bzPlanePts = []; bzPlaneCount = 0; bzColors = ["red","green","skyblue","orange","yellow","indigo","violet"]; //////////////////// public methods //////////////// /* * Create a Brillouin zone. * * /// createBZ or createBZ() just the 1st Brillouin zone * /// createBZ(n) just the nth Brillouin zone * /// createbZ([a b c alpha beta gamma]) create a BZ for a given primitive lattice unit cell * /// createbZ([a b c alpha beta gamma], true) create a BZ for a given reciprocal lattice unit cell * */ function createBZ(zoneOrArray, isK) { if (zoneOrArray == -1 || zoneOrArray && zoneOrArray.type != "integer") demoBZ(zoneOrArray, isK); else createAllBZs(zoneOrArray, true); if (bzSavePmeshes) { polyhedra * off; pmesh * on; } } /* * Create a Wigner-Seitz unitcell centered on {0 0 0}. * * /// primitive cell is assumed -- user is responsible for unitcell PRIMITIVE * /// executed first (unitcell CONVENTIONAL later if desired) * /// createWS("p1") for example. * * */ function createWS(id) { createAllBzs(-1, false, id); } /* * Starting with 1, build the Brillouin zones as polyhedra, * optionally discarding the previous as we go. * * Note that even for the 4th Brillouin zone, this is time consuming. * * If n = -1, then this is a Wigner-Seitz cell * */ function createAllBZs(n, discardPrev, id) { if (!n) n = 1 // set up the unit cell as a reciprocal lattice // scaling it by 2 pi just to make it somewhat larger // and draw the axes var isWignerSeitz if (n < 0) { n = -n isWignerSeitz = true } else { id = "" unitcell reset print "conventional: " + show("unitcell/a").trim() unitcell primitive print "primitive: " + show("unitcell/a").trim() unitcell "reciprocal" 2 print "reciprocal: " + show("unitcell/a").trim() } polyhedra * delete pmesh * delete if (!isWignerSeitz) { axes unitcell axes on axes scale 2.0 axes 0.01 axes labels "b1" "b2" "b3" "" } bzones = []; bzLatticePts = []; bzLatticePtsAll = []; bzPlanePts = []; bzPlanePtsAll = []; bzFaceCenters = []; var wasPrecise = legacyJavaFloat set legacyJavaFloat // ensures high precision point positions getLatticePoints(n) // loop through starting with zone 1 for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { bzones[i] = newBZ(i); createNextBZ(bzones[i], bzones[i - 1], id); if (discardPrev && i > 1) polyhedra @{"pbz" + (i - 1) + "_*"} delete } set legacyJavaFloat @wasPrecise if (bzSavePmeshes) { polyhedra * off; pmesh * on; } } /* * Show or hide one or more specific Brillouin zones. * /// showBZ(n_index, visible, color, translucent) * /// where n_index is a number or an array [n,subzone] * /// visible is optional true or false * /// color is an optional desired color * /// translucent is optional true or false */ function showBZ(n_index, visible, color, translucent) { var index,n; if (visible.type == "string") visible = true; if (n_index.type == "array") { n = n_index[1]; index = n_index[2]; } else { n = n_index; } var id = (!n ? "p*" : index ? bzones[n].subzones[index].polyid : "pbz" + n + "_*"); if (visible) { polyhedra ID @id on if (translucent) { color $ @id translucent } else { color $ @id opaque } if (color) { color $ @id @color } } else { polyhedra ID @id off } } /* * Pack BZ2 into BZ1. * * Not sufficient for higher-order Brillouin zones * because their subzones may need splitting. * */ function packBZ(n, index) { // Note that the array.getProperty() method checks // for a key in an array of associative arrays. // It is the same as array.select("(polyid)") var ids = bzones[n].subzones.getProperty("polyid") var offsets = bzones[n].subzones.getProperty("offset") if (index) polyhedra ID @{ids[index]} offset @{-offsets[index]} else for (var i = 1; i <= ids.length; i++) polyhedra ID @{ids[i]} offset @{-offsets[i]} } /* * Explode a Brillouin zone outward, showing a "parts diagram" of it. */ function explodeBZ(percent) { percent /= -100.0; // negative number here indicates "explode from {0 0 0}" for (var i = 2; i <= bzones.length; i++) { polyhedra ID @{"pbz"+i+"*"} scale @percent } axes scale @{percent/50.0} } /* * Modify the current Brillouin zone using a single parameter, possibly animating. * * /// modifyBZ("a",3.4) // set a parameter * /// modifyBZ("alpha",50,70, 5) * */ function modifyBZ(axis,min,max,step) { if (max == 0) max = min; if (step < 0 || min > max) return; unitcell reset; s = show("unitcell").lines[1].replace(",","=").split("=")[1][12]; var u = []; for (var i = 2; i <= 12; i += 2) u.push(0 + s[i]); for (var v = min; v <= max; v += step) { var u1 = u + []; // copy u switch(axis) { case "a": u1[1] = v; break; case "b": u1[2] = v; break; case "c": u1[3] = v; break; case "alpha": u1[4] = v; break; case "beta": u1[5] = v; break; case "gamma": u1[6] = v; break; } print u1; load orientation "" UNITCELL @u1; demoBZ(-1); refresh; if (step == 0) break; } } function demoBZ(params, isK) { if (params != -1) { if (!params) { params = [2 2 3 90 109.45 120] isK = true; } else if (params.type == "string") { // a=8.6602545, b=8.6602545, c=8.6602545, alpha=109.47122, beta=109.47122, gamma=109.47122 if (params.find("=")) { var a = params.replace(",","=").split("=") // prompt a params = [] for (var i = 2; i <= 12; i+=2) { // prompt ["a["+i+"]='" + a[i] + "'", 0+a[i]]; params.push(0 + a[i]) } } else { params= "" } } else if (params.length != 6) { params = "" } if (!params) { print "demoBZ([a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma],isK)" return } var shelx = "TITL\nCELL "+params.join(" ") + "\nC 0 0 0 0" load inline @shelx if (isK) { unitcell primitive unitcell reciprocal 2 load inline @{write("CIF")} } } background lightgrey center {0 0 0} display none unitcell off createBZ polyhedra edges color $pbz1_1_ red blue print "faceCount:" + $pbz1_1_.getProperty("faceCount") + " types:" + $pbz1_1_.getProperty("face_types").format("JSON") //set echo bottom center //font echo 20 //echo @{show("unitcell/gam").replace(", ","\n")} //color echo black //unitcell reset //axes off unitcell off unitcell off //zoom 50 } //////////////////// private methods ////////////// function createNextBZ(zone, zonePrev, id) { getNewLatticePoints(zone); if (bzDrawPointsAndEdges) drawZoneCenters(zone); getSubzones(zone, zonePrev); for (var subzone in zone.subzones) { // first we create a set of pmeshes, each a set of triangles // by slabbing subzone planes // then we get the faces associated with each of those pmeshes if (!getSubzonePmeshes(subzone)) continue; // now, for testing, we draw those polygon faces if (bzDrawPointsAndEdges) drawSubzonePolygons(subzone); // finally, we create the subzone's polyhedron createSubzonePolyhedron(subzone, id); } finalizeZone(zone); } /* * give each Brillouin zone a new color */ function bzColor(i) { return bzColors[(i - 1) % bzColors.length + 1] } /* * initialize a new Brillouin zone */ function newBZ(i) { var bzone = {}; bzone.id = "bz"+i+"_"; bzone.index = i; bzone.color = bzColor(i); // key here is that Brillouin zones are going to have multiple parts // each subzone will ultimately be a single polyhedron bzone.subzones = []; bzone.newLatticePts = []; bzone.newPlanePts = []; bzone.newPlanes = []; bzone.volume = 0; return bzone; } /* * initialize a new Brillouin subzone */ function newSubZone(zone, id, index) { var subzone = {}; subzone.index = index; subzone.id = zone.id + id + index + "_" subzone.zoneIndex = zone.index; subzone.newLatticePts = zone.newLatticePts; subzone.planes = []; subzone.latticePts = []; subzone.planesUnused = []; subzone.ptsUnused = []; subzone.pmeshes = []; subzone.areas = []; subzone.faces = []; subzone.faceIndices = []; subzone.faceCenters = []; subzone.volume = 0; subzone.color = zone.color; subzone.offset = {0 0 0}; subzone.center = {0 0 0}; zone.subzones.push(subzone); return subzone; } /* * Get the needed lattice points for n Brillouin zones. * * A calculation is done to ensure that enough points are * provided in all directions, which may not be the same number. * */ function getLatticePoints(n) { // Note that "pt.xyz" is interpreted in jmol as "fractional to Cartesian". // we need to set the min and max values on each axis. var minmax = []; // get the max length of an edge var abc = [1.0*{1 0 0}.xyz, 1.0*{0 1 0}.xyz, 1.0*{0 0 1}.xyz]; var abcmax = abc.max; for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { var m = (n * abcmax/abc[i])%0 minmax.push([-m, m]) } print "setting lattice ranges to " + minmax.format("JSON") for (var i = minmax..1..1; i <= minmax..1..2; i++) { for (var j = minmax..2..1; j <= minmax..2..2; j++) { for (var k = minmax..3..1; k <= minmax..3..2; k++) { // skip Gamma itself if (i != 0 || j != 0 || k != 0) { var lppt = point(i,j,k).xyz; bzLatticePtsAll.push(lppt); bzLatticePts.push(lppt); bzPlanePts.push(lppt/2); // draw ID @{"pt" + i + j + k} @lppt // for testing } } } } } /* print "setting lattice ranges to " + minmax.format("JSON") var a = []; for (var i = minmax..1..1; i <= minmax..1..2; i++) { for (var j = minmax..2..1; j <= minmax..2..2; j++) { for (var k = minmax..3..1; k <= minmax..3..2; k++) { // skip Gamma itself if (i != 0 || j != 0 || k != 0) { var lppt = point(i,j,k).xyz; a.push([1.0*lppt,lppt]); // draw ID @{"pt" + i + j + k} @lppt // for testing } } } } a.sort(1); bzLatticePtsAll = a.col(2); bzLatticePts = a.col(2); bzPlanePts = bzLatticePts.div(2); bzPlanePtsAll = bzLatticePts.div(2); * Loop through all points, looking for non-excluded points * using St. Olaf half-distance sphere test. */ function getNewLatticePoints(zone) { var unusedPts = []; var unusedLatticePts = []; var centers = zone.newPlanePts; var zoneLPs = zone.newLatticePts; var planes = zone.newPlanes; var ap, al; for (var i = 1; i <= bzPlanePts.length; i++) { var p = bzPlanePts[i]; var center = p / 2; // just a bit over so that all excluding points are found var radius = 0.501 * p; var inSphere = within(radius, center, bzPlanePts); // there is always at least one point within this radius -- point p itself if (inSphere.count == 1) { ap = centers; al = zoneLPs; // plane through point p directed away from Gamma planes.push(plane(bzGamma, p, 1)); } else { ap = unusedPts; al = unusedLatticePts; } ap.push(p); al.push(bzLatticePts[i]); } // replace lattice and plane points with just those that have not been used bzPlanePts = unusedPts; bzLatticePts = unusedLatticePts; } /* * Just put a little dot of color c at a set of points. * For debugging. * */ function drawZoneCenters(zone) { var pts = zone.newPlanePts; var id = zone.id; var color = zone.color; // draw those points as k1, k2, k3, ... var nPoints = pts.length; for (var i = 1; i <= nPoints; i++) draw ID @{"k"+id+i} @{pts[i]} color @c; } /* * Apply subzone-generation St. Olaf algorithm. */ function getSubzones(zone, zonePrev) { if (zone.index == 1) { // for BZ1, just use the zone planes var subzone = newSubzone(zone, "", 1); subzone.latticePts = zone.newLatticePts; subzone.planes = zone.newPlanes; return; } // for all others, go through all previous subzones... for (var i = 1; i <= zonePrev.subzones.length; i++) { // ...each subzone of the previous zone has a set of planes. var planesNew = zone.newPlanes; var ptsNew = zone.newLatticePts; var prev = zonePrev.subzones[i]; var planesPrev = prev.planes; var ptsPrev = prev.latticePts; var planesUnusedPrev = prev.planesUnused; var ptsUnusedPrev = prev.ptsUnused; var centersPrev = prev.faceCenters; var id = prev.id[5][0]; // ...use all planes if the previous is BZ1 // otherwise, always skip the first plane, which originated two zones back var j0 = (zonePrev.index == 1 ? 1 : 2); print ["check ",zonePrev.index,planesPrev.length,centersPrev.length] for (var j = j0; j <= planesPrev.length; j++) { if (j0 == 2 && within(0.01, centersPrev[j], bzFaceCenters) > 1) continue; // each of these planes is a starting point for a new subzone var subzone = newSubzone(zone, id, j); // the new subzone's initial plane (j) will be negative of the first plane // ...now add all the other previous planes, without inversion addBZ(subzone.planes, subzone.latticePts, planesPrev, ptsPrev, j); // ...now add all the previously unused planes addBZ(subzone.planes, subzone.latticePts, planesUnusedPrev, ptsUnusedPrev); // ...now add all the new planes addBZ(subzone.planes, subzone.latticePts, planesNew, ptsNew); } } } /* * Add the necessary planes from planes0 into the subzone.planes array * and add necessary lattice points from pts0 into the subzone.latticePts array. * * Note that subzone.latticepts is for reference only and is not used in the calculation. * */ function addBZ(planes, pts, planes0, pts0, j) { // designated j is inverted and introduced first if (j) { planes.push(-planes0[j]); pts.push(pts0[j]); } var n = planes0.length; for (var k = 1; k <= n; k++) { if (k != j) { planes.push(planes0[k]); pts.push(pts0[k]); } } } /* * Loop through all planes, creating a pmesh for each face. * We use resolution 0.001 to indicate we only want the * minimum number of triangles (that is, starting with two giant * triangles, not a grid of small triangles). * Also slab each plane by all other planes to form a face. */ function getSubzonePmeshes(subzone) { var planes = subzone.planes; var latticePts = subzone.latticePts; var planesUnused = subzone.planesUnused; var ptsUnused = subzone.ptsUnused; var faces = subzone.faces; var faceCenters = subzone.faceCenters; var nPlanes = planes.length; // It is important to include all planes, // as they may be used in later BZs. // subzone.planes will be replaced by planesUsed // subzone.latticePts will be replaced by ptsUsed var planesUsed = []; var ptsUsed = []; var totalArea = 0; for (var i = 1; i <= nPlanes; i++) { var pid = "f" + subzone.id + i; print "creating " + pid; pmesh ID @pid silent resolution 0.001 plane @{planes[i]} off var area = 0; for (var j = 1; j <= nPlanes; j++) { if (j == i) continue; // don't slab by plane being slabbed pmesh slab plane @{planes[j]}; area = ("$"+pid).getProperty("area")[1]; //print "area is " + area; if (area == 0) { // this i-plane has been totally excluded -- we are done here break; } totalArea += area; } if (area > 0) { // The new Jmol feature pmesh.getProperty("face") allows us to extract an // array of points that are only at the intersections of planes. // They are in order, right-hand rule CCW cycle // Here we are seeing if there are already two faces at this center, // indicating that we are re-entrant this time. var face = ("$" + pid).getProperty("face"); // if (face.length < 2) // prompt("face length < 2") // this can be [] if a very tiny triangle was found. var a = face.average; if (i == 1 && within(0.01, a, bzFaceCenters) >= 2) { area = 0; totalArea = 0; i = nPlanes; } } if (area > 0) { face = within(0.01, face); faces.push(face); faceCenters.push(a); bzFaceCenters.push(a); if (bzSavePmeshes) { subzone.pmeshes.push(pid); } else { pmesh ID @pid delete; } planesUsed.push(planes[i]); ptsUsed.push(latticePts[i]); subzone.areas.push(area); } else { pmesh ID @pid delete; planesUnused.push(planes[i]); ptsUnused.push(latticePts[i]); } subzone.planes = planesUsed; subzone.latticePts = ptsUsed; } subzone.totalArea = totalArea; //prompt pid + " " + area + " " + nplanes return (totalArea > 0); } /* * Draw subzone polygons. Not really necessary, as we can do that later using SET TESTFLAG3 */ function drawSubzonePolygons(subzone) { var faces = subzone.faces; var nPlanes = subzone.planes.count; for (var i = 1; i <= nPlanes; i++) { if (!faces[i]) continue; var id = "d" + subzone.id + i; draw ID @id polygon @{faces[i]} fill nomesh frontlit draw ID @id color @{subzone.color} mesh nofill } } /* * Generate the polyhedra. * */ function createSubzonePolyhedron(subzone, id) { // Variable pts is an array of arrays, with duplicate points. // We want a flat array using .join() and a new Jmol feature that // uses within(distance, array) to remove the duplicate points. if (!id) id = "p" + subzone.id; print "id is " + id; print "creating " + id; subzone.polyid = id; var pts = subzone.faces.join().find(); print "var pts =" + pts pts = within(0.01, pts); print "pts =" + pts subzone.pts = pts; subzone.center = pts.average; subzone.offset = within(0, subzone.center, bzLatticePtsAll); // closest subzone.faceIndices = []; var faces = subzone.faceIndices; for (var face in subzone.faces) { faces.push(within(0, face, pts)); } for (var i = 1; i <= faces.length; i++) { if (faces[i].length < 3) { subzone.faces.pop(i); subzone.faceIndices.pop(i); subzone.faceCenters.pop(i); subzone.planes.pop(i); i--; } } // We now create the polyhedron at Gamma that goes to all these points // using a new Jmol feature that allows named polyhedra at specific points var p = [id:id, center:subzone.center, vertices:pts, faces:faces, color:subzone.color]; polyhedra @p; if (!bzDrawPointsAndEdges) return; // for testing purposes: color $ @id translucent; // using DRAW here just to draw dots at each of these points draw pts points @pts dots nofill nomesh; } /* * Finalize a Brillouin zone. */ function finalizeZone(zone) { // remove 0-volume subzones for (var i = zone.subzones.length; i > 0; --i) { if (!zone.subzones[i].totalArea) zone.subzones.pop(i); } if (zone.index == 1) { //calculate symmetry polyhedra @{zone.subzones[1].polyid}; //info = getProperty("shapeInfo.Polyhedra"); //bzones[1].pointGroup = info.select("(pointGroup) where id='"+subzone.polyid+"'")[1]; } // calculate total volume zone.volume = 0; info = getProperty("shapeInfo.Polyhedra"); for (var subzone in zone.subzones) { var v = info.select("(volume) where id='"+subzone.polyid+"'")[1]; subzone.volume = v; zone.volume += v; } // list again all volumes, for checking for (var i = 1; i <= zone.index; i++) { print "BZ" + i + " volume=" + bzones[i].volume%7 + " " + bzones[i].pointGroup; } // update the display refresh } print 'createBZ \t/// just the first Brillouin zone' print 'createBZ(n) \t/// just the nth BZ' print 'createBZ([a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma],isK) \t/// create BZ for specified set of parameters' print 'createAllBZs(n) \t/// all BZ up through n' print 'modifyBz("a",val)\t/// change Cartesian lattice param a (or b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)' print 'modifyBz("a",min,max,step) \t/// animate change in Cartesian parameter' ///// testing ///// // old way: load /*file*/"http://aflowlib.mems.duke.edu/users/jmolers/binary_new/AgAu.aflow_binary" 1; // new way to load a binary file: var wasPrecise = legacyJavaFloat set legacyJavaFloat // automatically set false after file loading //load "=aflow/AgAu" 1 //show unitcell //set echo top center //echo "AgAu #1 Oh" /** // an orientation I liked from "show orientation" reset;center {2.0815635 2.0815635 2.0815635}; rotate z 47.15; rotate y 75.76; rotate z -34.51 center {0 0 0} zoom 40 set antialiasDisplay // draw the standard (primitive) unit cell for reference try { unitcell reset unitcell primitive draw ID uc diameter 0.03 unitcell mesh fill color translucent 0.1 grey } /** * BCC = unitcell({0 0 0}, point(-5 5 5), point(5 -5 5), point(5 5 -5)) ORCF3 = demobz([4.44 4.44 4.44 90 111.106 129.77], true) //or demobz("a=2.0839934, b=1.9441904, c=1.6017959, alpha=71.26139, beta=62.0633, gamma=46.708725") from: x = unitcell({0 0 0} {0 1.25 1.666} {1.0 0 1.666} {1.0 1.25 0} ) print x unitcell @x demobz(show("unitcell/gam")) but TRI_new = demobz([2 2 3 90 109.45, 120],true) a = {1/1 0 0} b = {0 1/1 0} c = {0 0 1/1} print 1.0 * a print 1.0 * b print 1.0 * c vab = b - a vbc = c - b vca = a - c print 1.0*vab print 1.0*vca print 1.0*vbc show unitcell/g polyhedra * off draw vbc @b @c draw vca @a @c color orange draw vab @a @b color white //Bob's test stuff: //constructing a Cartesian-space lattice based on formulas. // See http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927025610002697 alpha = 50 function fa(alpha) { cosa = cos(alpha) sina = sin(alpha) c = 1 vc = point(0, c * cosa, c* sina) b = 1.2 a = 1/sqrt((1 - b * cosa/c)/(b*b * sina*sina)) print a print "1=" + (b * cosa/c + b*b*sina*sina/a/a) //va = point(a/2, b/2, 0) //vb = point(-a/2, b/2 0) va = point(a, 0, 0) vb = point(0, b, 0) unitcell @{unitcell({0 0 0}, va, vb, vc)} show unitcell/ga demobz(show("unitcell/gam")) print va print vb print vc print b * cosa/c + b*b*sina*sina/a/a zoom 50 }