Examples of java2script/SwingJS implementations

The pages listed below are a few of the thousands of implementations of java2script/SwingJS that can be found on the web. Phase III is the current phase of development, as of this writing. If you have a Java applet or application that you would like to see running in JavaScript or you have questions, feel free to contact the principal developer of java2script/SwingJS, Bob Hanson at hansonr@stolaf.edu. For more information, see also the GitHub main page for the java2script/SwingJS project or the main page for Jmol/JSmol.

Phase I (2012-15): AWT Jmol applet to AWT-like JSmol (First-generation java2script transpiler)

JSmol Proteopedia - Life in 3D, a full *pedia devoted to the structure and function of biological macromolecules, with extensive contextualization of Jmol as JSmol.

CheMagic Virtual Model Kit, the most fully developed on-line chemical model kit ever, deeply integrating Jmol to allow far more than just making a molecular model.

symmetry@otterbein, one of the most beloved web pages for students of inorganic chemistry, with multiple examples of every three-dimensional point group in relation to molecular structure.

Simple.htm, a general page for exploring biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates)

Simple2.htm, a general page for exploring small molecules

nmr_predict_1H.htm Draw or search by name for a chemical structure and simulate its proton nuclear magnect resonance (NMR) spectrum interactively

viewspec2, the front-end spectral viewing and analysis page for St. Olaf College's Bruker 400 MHz cyberenabled NMR spectrometer (with 120-sample BACS autosampler)

directory of sample JSmol pages in the Jmol/JSmol distribution ZIP file

Phase II (2016): Expansion to Swing and other applications and applets (“java2script/SwingJS”)

Additional applet demos SwingJS Examples 63 physics, math, and chemistry applets created over the course of six months in 2016, still using the first-generation transpiler. Some of these applets may load slowly, over a few seconds. This is just because those applets were not compressed. You can download them and run them locally using swingjs_examples.zip

Phase III (2017-19): Second-generation transpiler and full AWT+Swing run-time environment applied to massive applet and application projects

Physlet Physics main page, with 1200 interactive simulations in 39 chapters of introductory physics

MathePrisma ModulK.htm, with 450 interactive applets fully embedded in more than 50 engaging introductions to the major areas of mathematics on 1300 web pages (in German; click on Verschiebungen at the bottom of the page to start the story)

Jalview The JalviewJS examples page illustrating ways the Jalview multisequence alignment desktop can be created within a browser

ImageJ/SCIFIO TestJS-core.html Our first-ever test of transpiled Java SCIFIO in JavaScript, from the December 2019 Dresden bioimaging hackathon

io_scif_img_ConvertImg.html A second test, using SCIFIO to convert and download an ICS+IDS image to TIFF format (creates and downloads a TIFF file viewable in FIJI)