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Curve Object

CDXML Name:curve
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_Curve
CDX Constant Value:0x8008
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Page, kCDXObj_Group, kCDXObj_Fragment
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


A Bézier curve. Bézier curves are a standard mathematical curve type, and are defined in a number of places, including here, here, here, here, and here.

A Curve object necessarily requires a CurvePoints property, but it has no required objects.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8011 kCDXObj_ObjectTag objecttag
Arbitrarily named property, one or more of which can be attached to any ChemDraw object.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x000F kCDXProp_IgnoreWarnings IgnoreWarnings CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether chemical warnings should be suppressed on this object.
0x0010 kCDXProp_ChemicalWarning Warning CDXString
A warning concerning possible chemical problems with this object.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0A08 kCDXProp_Curve_Type CurveType INT16
The type of curve object. This is a bit-encoded property.
0x0A20 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Size HeadSize INT16
The size of the arrow's head.
0x0A23 kCDXProp_Curve_Points CurvePoints CDXCurvePoints
Required for curves. The Bézier curve's control point locations.
0x0A2E kCDXProp_Curve_Points3D CurvePoints3D CDXCurvePoints3D
The Bézier curve's control point locations in 3D space.
0x0A2F kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Type ArrowHeadType INT16
The type of arrowhead. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A30 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_CenterSize HeadCenterSize UINT16
The size of the arrow's head from the tip to the back of the head.
0x0A31 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Width HeadWidth UINT16
The half-width of the arrow's head.
0x0A35 kCDXProp_Arrow_ArrowHead_Head ArrowHeadHead INT16
The type of arrowhead at the head of the arrow. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A36 kCDXProp_Arrow_ArrowHead_Tail ArrowHeadTail INT16
The type of arrowhead at the tail of the arrow. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A37 kCDXProp_Fill_Type FillType INT16
The type of the fill, for objects that can be filled. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A38 kCDXProp_Closed Closed CDXBoolean
Signifies whether object is closed.
0x0A38 kCDXProp_Curve_Spacing CurveSpacing UINT16
The width of the space between a a Doubled curve.


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