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Document Object

CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_Document
CDX Constant Value:0x8000
Contained by objects:
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


A Document is the top-level CDX object. It contains all CDX propertys and objects. It is necessary (by definition) for any valid CDX or CDXML file.

A Document must contain at least one Page object, but it has no required properties.

In versions of ChemDraw prior to 6.0, the bounding box property was read and written as a member of the Document object, but its use is discouraged unless you need to maintain maximum compatibility with those older versions. Starting with ChemDraw 6.0, the data that used to be stored in the Document's bounding box property is now stored in the bounding box property of the relevent Page object.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8001 kCDXObj_Page page
A drawing space that can contain other objects.
0x800B kCDXObj_TemplateGrid templategrid
A TemplateGrid indicates how multiple CDX page objects should be arranged in a Template document.
0x0300 kCDXProp_ColorTable colortable
The color palette used throughout the document. Color indexes 0 and 1 always correspond to black and white and are not saved in the color table. The first and second RGB values (color indexes 2 and 3) are the default background and foreground colors, and other colors are numbered sequentially.
0x0100 kCDXProp_FontTable fonttable
A list of fonts used in the document.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
0x0001 kCDXProp_CreationUserName CreationUserName CDXString
The name of the creator (program user's name) of the document.
0x0002 kCDXProp_CreationDate CreationDate CDXDate
The time of object creation.
0x0003 kCDXProp_CreationProgram CreationProgram CDXString
The name of the program, including version and platform, that created the associated CDX object. ChemDraw 4.0 uses "ChemDraw 4.0" as the value of CreationProgram.
0x0004 kCDXProp_ModificationUserName ModificationUserName CDXString
The name of the last modifier (program user's name) of the document.
0x0005 kCDXProp_ModificationDate ModificationDate CDXDate
Time of the last modification.
0x0006 kCDXProp_ModificationProgram ModificationProgram CDXString
The name of the program, including version and platform, of the last program to perform a modification. ChemDraw 4.0 uses "ChemDraw 4.0" as the value of CreationProgram.
0x0008 kCDXProp_Name Name CDXString
Required for objecttags. Name of an object.
0x0009 kCDXProp_Comment Comment CDXString
An arbitrary string intended to be meaningful to a user.
0x0100 kCDXProp_FontTable fonttable CDXFontTable
Required if fonts are used. A list of fonts used in the document.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0300 kCDXProp_ColorTable colortable CDXColorTable
The color palette used throughout the document.
0x043A kCDXProp_Atom_ShowQuery ShowAtomQuery CDXBoolean
Show the query indicator if non-zero.
0x043B kCDXProp_Atom_ShowStereo ShowAtomStereo CDXBoolean
Show the stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x043C kCDXProp_Atom_ShowAtomNumber ShowAtomNumber CDXBoolean
Show the atom number if non-zero.
0x060C kCDXProp_Bond_ShowQuery ShowBondQuery CDXBoolean
Show the query indicator if non-zero.
0x060D kCDXProp_Bond_ShowStereo ShowBondStereo CDXBoolean
Show the stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x060F kCDXProp_Bond_ShowRxn ShowBondRxn CDXBoolean
Show the reaction-change indicator if non-zero.
0x0706 kCDXProp_LabelLineHeight LabelLineHeight INT16
Text line height for atom labels
0x0707 kCDXProp_CaptionLineHeight CaptionLineHeight INT16
Text line height for non-atomlabel text objects
0x0708 kCDXProp_InterpretChemically InterpretChemically CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether to the text label should be interpreted chemically (if possible).
0x0800 kCDXProp_MacPrintInfo MacPrintInfo Unformatted
The 120 byte Macintosh TPrint data associated with the CDX document object. Refer to Macintosh Toolbox manual for detailed description.
0x0801 kCDXProp_WinPrintInfo WinPrintInfo Unformatted
The Windows DEVMODE structure associated with the CDX document object.
0x0802 kCDXProp_PrintMargins PrintMargins CDXRectangle
The outer margins of the Document.
0x0803 kCDXProp_ChainAngle ChainAngle INT32
The default chain angle setting in degrees * 65536.
0x0804 kCDXProp_BondSpacing BondSpacing INT16
The spacing between segments of a multiple bond, measured relative to bond length.
0x0805 kCDXProp_BondLength BondLength CDXCoordinate
The default bond length.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x0808 kCDXProp_MarginWidth MarginWidth CDXCoordinate
The default amount of space surrounding atom labels.
0x0809 kCDXProp_HashSpacing HashSpacing CDXCoordinate
The default spacing between hashed lines used in wedged hashed bonds.
0x080A kCDXProp_LabelStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for atom labels..
0x080B kCDXProp_CaptionStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for non-atomlabel text objects..
0x080C kCDXProp_CaptionJustification CaptionJustification INT8
The horizontal justification of a caption (non-atomlabel text object) This is an enumerated property.
0x080D kCDXProp_FractionalWidths FractionalWidths CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether to use fractional width information when drawing text.
0x080E kCDXProp_Magnification Magnification INT16
The view magnification factor
0x081A kCDXProp_LabelStyleFont LabelFont INT16
The default font family for atom labels.
0x081B kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFont CaptionFont INT16
The default font style for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081C kCDXProp_LabelStyleSize LabelSize INT16
The default font size for atom labels.
0x081D kCDXProp_CaptionStyleSize CaptionSize INT16
The default font size for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081E kCDXProp_LabelStyleFace LabelFace INT16
The default font style for atom labels.
0x081F kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFace CaptionFace INT16
The default font face for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x0820 kCDXProp_LabelStyleColor LabelColor INT16
The default color for atom labels
0x0821 kCDXProp_CaptionStyleColor CaptionColor INT16
The default color for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x0823 kCDXProp_LabelJustification LabelJustification INT8
The default justification for atom labels. This is an enumerated property.
0x0824 kCDXProp_FixInplaceExtent FixInPlaceExtent CDXPoint2D
Defines a size for OLE In-Place editing.
0x0826 kCDXProp_FixInplaceGap FixInPlaceGap CDXPoint2D
Defines a padding for OLE In-Place editing.
0x0827 kCDXProp_CartridgeData CartridgeData Unformatted
Transient data used by the CambridgeSoft Oracle Cartridge.
0x0900 kCDXProp_Window_IsZoomed WindowIsZoomed CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether the main viewing window is zoomed (maximized).
0x0901 kCDXProp_Window_Position WindowPosition CDXPoint2D
The top-left position of the main viewing window.
0x0902 kCDXProp_Window_Size WindowSize CDXPoint2D
Height and width of the document window.


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