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Reaction Step Object

CDXML Name:step
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_ReactionStep
CDX Constant Value:0x800E
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Page, kCDXObj_Group, kCDXObj_ReactionScheme
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.1


A Reaction Step describes one step in a reaction.

Technically, this object has no required objects or properties, but it is pretty useless without any reactants or products.


Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x0C00 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map ReactionStepAtomMap CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.
0x0C01 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Reactants ReactionStepReactants CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of reactants present in the Reaction Step.
0x0C02 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Products ReactionStepProducts CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of products present in the Reaction Step.
0x0C03 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Plusses ReactionStepPlusses CDXObjectIDArray
An ordered list of pluses used to separate components of the Reaction Step.
0x0C04 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Arrows ReactionStepArrows CDXObjectIDArray
An ordered list of arrows used to separate components of the Reaction Step.
0x0C05 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_ObjectsAboveArrow ReactionStepObjectsAboveArrow CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of objects above the arrow in the Reaction Step.
0x0C06 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_ObjectsBelowArrow ReactionStepObjectsBelowArrow CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of objects below the arrow in the Reaction Step.
0x0C07 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Manual ReactionStepAtomMapManual CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.
0x0C08 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Auto ReactionStepAtomMapAuto CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.


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