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Registry Number Object

CDXML Name:regnum
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_RegistryNumber
CDX Constant Value:0x800C
Contained by objects:
First written/read in:(not written/read)


A Registry Number represents a registry or catalog number, along with the name of the authority which issued the number.

The Number and Authority properties are required, but there are no required objects.


Value Name CDXML Name Type
0x000B kCDXProp_RegistryNumber RegistryNumber CDXString
A registry or catalog number of a molecule object.
0x000C kCDXProp_RegistryAuthority RegistryAuthority CDXString
A string that specifies the authority which issued a registry or catalog number. Some examples of registry authorities are CAS, Beilstein, Aldrich, and Merck.


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