Spectrum Object

CDXML Name:spectrum
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_Spectrum
CDX Constant Value:0x8010
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Page, kCDXObj_Group
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.5.1


A Spectrum Object stores an NMR, MS, IR or other sort of spectrum. The spectrum is defined on a regular grid of x-axis values running from XLow to XHigh in steps of XSpacing. The y-values may be specified similarly, or may be arbitrary floating-point values. This is a graphical object, and doesn't store spectral information beyond that needed to display the spectrum.

The bounding box, XLow, and XSpacing properties are required, but a Spectrum has no required objects.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8011 kCDXObj_ObjectTag objecttag
Arbitrarily named property, one or more of which can be attached to any ChemDraw object.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x000F kCDXProp_IgnoreWarnings IgnoreWarnings CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether chemical warnings should be suppressed on this object.
0x0010 kCDXProp_ChemicalWarning Warning CDXString
A warning concerning possible chemical problems with this object.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
Required for pictures and spectra. Required for graphics and text until 6.0. The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x080A kCDXProp_LabelStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for atom labels..
0x081A kCDXProp_LabelStyleFont LabelFont INT16
The default font family for atom labels.
0x081C kCDXProp_LabelStyleSize LabelSize INT16
The default font size for atom labels.
0x081E kCDXProp_LabelStyleFace LabelFace INT16
The default font style for atom labels.
0x0A80 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XSpacing XSpacing FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The spacing in logical units (ppm, Hz, wavenumbers) between points along the X-axis of an evenly-spaced grid.
0x0A81 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XLow XLow FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The first data point for the X-axis of an evenly-spaced grid.
0x0A82 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XType XType INT16
The type of units the X-axis represents. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A83 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YType YType INT16
The type of units the Y-axis represents. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A84 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XAxisLabel XAxisLabel CDXString
A label for the X-axis.
0x0A85 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YAxisLabel YAxisLabel CDXString
A label for the Y-axis.
0x0A86 kCDXProp_Spectrum_DataPoint (not used) FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The Y-axis values for the spectrum. It is an array of double values corresponding to X-axis values.
0x0A87 kCDXProp_Spectrum_Class Class INT16
The type of spectrum represented. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A88 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YLow YLow FLOAT64
Y value to be used to offset data when storing XML.
0x0A89 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YScale YScale FLOAT64
Y scaling used to scale data when storing XML.


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