TLC Plate Object

CDXML Name:tlcplate
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_TLCPlate
CDX Constant Value:0x8023
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Page
First written/read in:ChemDraw 8.0


Each plate contains a series of Lanes. Those lanes should be arranged on the plate from left to right in the order that they appear in the cdx file.

TLC Plates should not be assumed to be positioned vertically. The actual orientation can be determined from the four corner properties (kCDXProp_TopLeft, etc). Similarly, they should not be assumed to be orthogonal, although in most practical cases there will be 90° angles at each corner.

TLC Plate objects technically have no required properties or objects, but if the four corner properties are omitted, the plate will be assumed to have a zero-by-zero size, which isn't very useful. Similarly, at least one Lane would be helpful, and that lane should probably contain at least one Spot.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8011 kCDXObj_ObjectTag objecttag
Arbitrarily named property, one or more of which can be attached to any ChemDraw object.
0x8024 kCDXObj_TLCLane tlclane
A logical object representing a series of spots arranged vertically on a TLC plate.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0209 kCDXProp_TopLeft TopLeft CDXPoint2D
The location of the top-left corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020A kCDXProp_TopRight TopRight CDXPoint2D
The location of the top-right corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020B kCDXProp_BottomRight BottomRight CDXPoint2D
The location of the bottom-right corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020C kCDXProp_BottomLeft BottomLeft CDXPoint2D
The location of the bottom-left corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x0808 kCDXProp_MarginWidth MarginWidth CDXCoordinate
The default amount of space surrounding atom labels.
0x081A kCDXProp_LabelStyleFont LabelFont INT16
The default font family for atom labels.
0x081C kCDXProp_LabelStyleSize LabelSize INT16
The default font size for atom labels.
0x081E kCDXProp_LabelStyleFace LabelFace INT16
The default font style for atom labels.
0x0AA0 kCDXProp_TLC_OriginFraction OriginFraction FLOAT64
The distance of the origin line from the bottom of a TLC Plate, as a fraction of the total height of the plate.
0x0AA1 kCDXProp_TLC_SolventFrontFraction SolventFrontFraction FLOAT64
The distance of the solvent front from the top of a TLC Plate, as a fraction of the total height of the plate.
0x0AA2 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowOrigin ShowOrigin CDXBoolean
Show the origin line near the base of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AA3 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowSolventFront ShowSolventFront CDXBoolean
Show the solvent front line near the top of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AA4 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowBorders ShowBorders CDXBoolean
Show borders around the edges of the TLC Plate if non-zero.


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