Click on a link below to see what it does. You can also type a command in the box below the model to see its effect. The script run in this case was

This prototype page illustrates the new capabilities of Jmol to calculate and display dipoles and simple arrows.

[appletInfo] [animationInfo] [fileName] [fileHeader] [fileContents]
[atomList] [atomInfo] [bondInfo] [extractModel]
[orientationInfo] [transformInfo] [centerInfo] [boundboxInfo] [zoomInfo]
[modelInfo] [polymerInfo] [chainInfo] [shapeInfo] [stateInfo] [reload THIS orientation]

    Decoded: new window

      AJAX: PDB     NIH     MSA/CIF     STOLAF-ANY    
      show orientation image stereo (images not available with MSIE)
      save/show/restore state new resizable Window 2D-to-3D minimize
      higher quality   faster performance original 2D

      cmd: popup ??
      Java Console Log level: