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Graphic Object

CDXML Name:graphic
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_Graphic
CDX Constant Value:0x8007
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Page, kCDXObj_Group, kCDXObj_Fragment
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


A Graphic object represents a (generally non-chemical) graphic object such as a line, arc, circle, or rectangle.

Since a Graphic object is necessarily visual, it always requires a bounding box property.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8011 kCDXObj_ObjectTag objecttag
Arbitrarily named property, one or more of which can be attached to any ChemDraw object.
0x000e kCDXProp_RepresentsProperty represent
An object used to indicate that its containing object has chemical meaning that is also represented in another object.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x000F kCDXProp_IgnoreWarnings IgnoreWarnings CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether chemical warnings should be suppressed on this object.
0x0010 kCDXProp_ChemicalWarning Warning CDXString
A warning concerning possible chemical problems with this object.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0012 kCDXProp_SupersededBy SupersededBy CDXObjectID
The ID of the object that should be read instead of this one.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
Required for pictures and spectra. Required for graphics and text until 6.0. The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0207 kCDXProp_3DHead Head3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location (in the order of X-, Y-, and Z-locations in right-handed coordinate system) of the head of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x0208 kCDXProp_3DTail Tail3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location (in the order of X-, Y-, and Z-locations in right-handed coordinate system) of the tail of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x080B kCDXProp_CaptionStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for non-atomlabel text objects..
0x081B kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFont CaptionFont INT16
The default font style for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081D kCDXProp_CaptionStyleSize CaptionSize INT16
The default font size for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081F kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFace CaptionFace INT16
The default font face for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x0A00 kCDXProp_Graphic_Type GraphicType INT16
The type of graphical object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A01 kCDXProp_Line_Type LineType INT16
The type of a line object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A02 kCDXProp_Arrow_Type ArrowType INT16
The type of arrow object, which represents line, arrow, arc, rectangle, or orbital. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A03 kCDXProp_Rectangle_Type RectangleType INT16
The type of a rectangle object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A04 kCDXProp_Oval_Type OvalType INT16
The type of an arrow object that represents a circle or ellipse. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A05 kCDXProp_Orbital_Type OrbitalType INT16
The type of orbital object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A06 kCDXProp_Bracket_Type BracketType INT16
The type of symbol object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A07 kCDXProp_Symbol_Type SymbolType INT16
The type of symbol object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A20 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Size HeadSize INT16
The size of the arrow's head.
0x0A21 kCDXProp_Arc_AngularSize AngularSize INT16
The size of an arc (in degrees * 10, so 90 degrees = 900).
0x0A22 kCDXProp_Bracket_LipSize LipSize INT16
The size of a bracket.
0x0A24 kCDXProp_Bracket_Usage BracketUsage INT8
The syntactical chemical meaning of the bracket (SRU, mer, mon, xlink, etc). This is an enumerated property.
0x0A25 kCDXProp_Polymer_RepeatPattern PolymerRepeatPattern INT8
The head-to-tail connectivity of objects contained within the bracket. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A26 kCDXProp_Polymer_FlipType PolymerFlipType INT8
The flip state of objects contained within the bracket. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A3C kCDXProp_CornerRadius CornerRadius INT16
The radius of the rounded corner of a rounded rectangle.
0x0A3D kCDXProp_Frame_Type FrameType INT16
The type of frame on an object. This is an enumerated property.


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