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Bond Object

CDXML Name:b
CDX Constant Name:kCDXObj_Bond
CDX Constant Value:0x8005
Contained by objects:kCDXObj_Fragment
First written/read in:ChemDraw 4.0


A Bond object defines a connection between Node objects. It corresponds directly to the notion of a chemical bond.

All Bonds must be contained in Fragment objects; they cannot be stored directly in Page or Fragment objects.

Bond objects require Begin and End properties, but do not have any required objects.

Value Name CDXML Name
0x8011 kCDXObj_ObjectTag objecttag
Arbitrarily named property, one or more of which can be attached to any ChemDraw object.

Value Name CDXML Name Type
n/a n/a id UINT16
A unique identifier for an object, used when other objects refer to it.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x000F kCDXProp_IgnoreWarnings IgnoreWarnings CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether chemical warnings should be suppressed on this object.
0x0010 kCDXProp_ChemicalWarning Warning CDXString
A warning concerning possible chemical problems with this object.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0600 kCDXProp_Bond_Order Order INT16
The order of a bond object. This is a bit-encoded property.
0x0601 kCDXProp_Bond_Display Display INT16
The display type of a bond object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0602 kCDXProp_Bond_Display2 Display2 INT16
The display type for the second line of a double bond. This is an enumerated property.
0x0603 kCDXProp_Bond_DoublePosition DoublePosition INT16
The position of the second line of a double bond. This is an enumerated property.
0x0604 kCDXProp_Bond_Begin B CDXObjectID
Required for bonds. The ID of the CDX node object at the first end of a bond.
0x0605 kCDXProp_Bond_End E CDXObjectID
Required for bonds. The ID of the CDX node object at the second end of a bond.
0x0606 kCDXProp_Bond_RestrictTopology Topology INT8
Indicates the desired topology of a bond in a query. This is an enumerated property.
0x0607 kCDXProp_Bond_RestrictRxnParticipation RxnParticipation INT8
Specifies that a bond is affected by a reaction. This is an enumerated property.
0x0608 kCDXProp_Bond_BeginAttach BeginAttach UINT8
Indicates where within the Bond_Begin node a bond is attached.
0x0609 kCDXProp_Bond_EndAttach EndAttach UINT8
Indicates where within the Bond_End node a bond is attached.
0x060A kCDXProp_Bond_CIPStereochemistry BS INT8
The bond's absolute stereochemistry according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system. This is an enumerated property.
0x060B kCDXProp_Bond_BondOrdering BondCircularOrdering CDXObjectIDArray
Ordered list of attached bond IDs.
0x060C kCDXProp_Bond_ShowQuery ShowBondQuery CDXBoolean
Show the query indicator if non-zero.
0x060D kCDXProp_Bond_ShowStereo ShowBondStereo CDXBoolean
Show the stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x060E kCDXProp_Bond_CrossingBonds CrossingBonds CDXObjectIDArray
The set of bonds that cross a given bond.
0x060F kCDXProp_Bond_ShowRxn ShowBondRxn CDXBoolean
Show the reaction-change indicator if non-zero.
0x0804 kCDXProp_BondSpacing BondSpacing INT16
The spacing between segments of a multiple bond, measured relative to bond length.
0x0805 kCDXProp_BondLength BondLength CDXCoordinate
The default bond length.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x0808 kCDXProp_MarginWidth MarginWidth CDXCoordinate
The default amount of space surrounding atom labels.
0x0809 kCDXProp_HashSpacing HashSpacing CDXCoordinate
The default spacing between hashed lines used in wedged hashed bonds.
0x080A kCDXProp_LabelStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for atom labels..
0x081A kCDXProp_LabelStyleFont LabelFont INT16
The default font family for atom labels.
0x081C kCDXProp_LabelStyleSize LabelSize INT16
The default font size for atom labels.
0x081E kCDXProp_LabelStyleFace LabelFace INT16
The default font style for atom labels.
0x0822 kCDXProp_BondSpacingAbs BondSpacingAbs CDXCoordinate
The absolute distance between segments of a multiple bond.


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