Predefined Attributes

(click column header to sort)
Value Name CDXML Name Type
0x0001 kCDXProp_CreationUserName CreationUserName CDXString
The name of the creator (program user's name) of the document.
0x0002 kCDXProp_CreationDate CreationDate CDXDate
The time of object creation.
0x0003 kCDXProp_CreationProgram CreationProgram CDXString
The name of the program, including version and platform, that created the associated CDX object. ChemDraw 4.0 uses "ChemDraw 4.0" as the value of CreationProgram.
0x0004 kCDXProp_ModificationUserName ModificationUserName CDXString
The name of the last modifier (program user's name) of the document.
0x0005 kCDXProp_ModificationDate ModificationDate CDXDate
Time of the last modification.
0x0006 kCDXProp_ModificationProgram ModificationProgram CDXString
The name of the program, including version and platform, of the last program to perform a modification. ChemDraw 4.0 uses "ChemDraw 4.0" as the value of CreationProgram.
0x0008 kCDXProp_Name Name CDXString
Required for objecttags. Name of an object.
0x0009 kCDXProp_Comment Comment CDXString
An arbitrary string intended to be meaningful to a user.
0x000A kCDXProp_ZOrder Z INT16
Back-to-front ordering index in 2D drawing.
0x000B kCDXProp_RegistryNumber RegistryNumber CDXString
A registry or catalog number of a molecule object.
0x000C kCDXProp_RegistryAuthority RegistryAuthority CDXString
A string that specifies the authority which issued a registry or catalog number. Some examples of registry authorities are CAS, Beilstein, Aldrich, and Merck.
0x000E kCDXProp_RepresentsProperty RepresentsProperty CDXRepresentsProperty
Indicates that this object represents some property in some other object.
0x000F kCDXProp_IgnoreWarnings IgnoreWarnings CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether chemical warnings should be suppressed on this object.
0x0010 kCDXProp_ChemicalWarning Warning CDXString
A warning concerning possible chemical problems with this object.
0x0011 kCDXProp_Visible Visible CDXBoolean
The object is visible if non-zero.
0x0012 kCDXProp_SupersededBy SupersededBy CDXObjectID
The ID of the object that should be read instead of this one.
0x0100 kCDXProp_FontTable fonttable CDXFontTable
Required if fonts are used. A list of fonts used in the document.
0x0200 kCDXProp_2DPosition p CDXPoint2D
The 2D location (in the order of vertical and horizontal locations) of an object.
0x0201 kCDXProp_3DPosition xyz CDXPoint3D
The 3D location (in the order of X-, Y-, and Z-locations in right-handed coordinate system) of an object in CDX coordinate units. The precise meaning of this attribute varies depending on the type of object.
0x0202 kCDXProp_2DExtent extent CDXPoint2D
Required for templategrids. The width and height of an object in CDX coordinate units. The precise meaning of this attribute varies depending on the type of object.
0x0203 kCDXProp_3DExtent extent3D CDXPoint3D
The width, height, and depth of an object in CDX coordinate units (right-handed coordinate system). The precise meaning of this attribute varies depending on the type of object.
0x0204 kCDXProp_BoundingBox BoundingBox CDXRectangle
Required for pictures and spectra. Required for graphics and text until 6.0. The smallest rectangle that encloses the graphical representation of the object.
0x0205 kCDXProp_RotationAngle RotationAngle INT32
The angular orientation of an object in degrees * 65536.
0x0207 kCDXProp_3DHead Head3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location (in the order of X-, Y-, and Z-locations in right-handed coordinate system) of the head of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x0208 kCDXProp_3DTail Tail3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location (in the order of X-, Y-, and Z-locations in right-handed coordinate system) of the tail of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x0209 kCDXProp_TopLeft TopLeft CDXPoint2D
The location of the top-left corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020A kCDXProp_TopRight TopRight CDXPoint2D
The location of the top-right corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020B kCDXProp_BottomRight BottomRight CDXPoint2D
The location of the bottom-right corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020C kCDXProp_BottomLeft BottomLeft CDXPoint2D
The location of the bottom-left corner of a quadrilateral object, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x020D kCDXProp_3DCenter Center3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location of the logical center of an object.
0x020E kCDXProp_3DMajorAxisEnd Center3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location of the end of the major axis of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x020F kCDXProp_3DMinorAxisEnd Center3D CDXPoint3D
The 3D location of the end of the minor axis of an object in CDX coordinate units.
0x0300 kCDXProp_ColorTable colortable CDXColorTable
The color palette used throughout the document.
0x0301 kCDXProp_ForegroundColor color UINT16
The foreground color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0302 kCDXProp_BackgroundColor bgcolor INT16
The background color of an object represented as the two-based index into the object's color table.
0x0400 kCDXProp_Node_Type NodeType INT16
The type of a node object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0401 kCDXProp_Node_LabelDisplay LabelDisplay INT8
The characteristics of node label display. This is an enumerated property.
0x0402 kCDXProp_Node_Element Element INT16
The atomic number of the atom representing this node.
0x0403 kCDXProp_Atom_ElementList ElementList CDXElementList
A list of atomic numbers.
0x0404 kCDXProp_Atom_Formula Formula CDXFormula
The composition of a node representing a fragment whose composition is known, but whose connectivity is not. For example, C4H9 represents a mixture of the 4 butyl isomers.
0x0420 kCDXProp_Atom_Isotope Isotope INT16
The absolute isotopic mass of an atom (2 for deuterium, 14 for carbon-14).
0x0421 kCDXProp_Atom_Charge Charge INT8
The atomic charge of an atom.
0x0422 kCDXProp_Atom_Radical Radical UINT8
The atomic radical attribute of an atom. This is an enumerated property.
0x0423 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictFreeSites FreeSites UINT8
Indicates that up to the specified number of additional substituents are permitted on this atom.
0x0424 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictImplicitHydrogens ImplicitHydrogens CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies that implicit hydrogens are not allowed on this atom.
0x0425 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictRingBondCount RingBondCount INT8
The number of ring bonds attached to an atom. This is an enumerated property.
0x0426 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictUnsaturatedBonds UnsaturatedBonds INT8
Indicates whether unsaturation should be present or absent. This is an enumerated property.
0x0427 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictRxnChange RxnChange CDXBooleanImplied
If present, signifies that the reaction change of an atom must be as specified.
0x0428 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictRxnStereo RxnStereo INT8
The change of stereochemistry of an atom during a reaction. This is an enumerated property.
0x0429 kCDXProp_Atom_AbnormalValence AbnormalValence CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies that an abnormal valence for an atom is permitted.
0x042B kCDXProp_Atom_NumHydrogens NumHydrogens UINT16
The number of (explicit) hydrogens in a labeled atom consisting of one heavy atom and (optionally) the symbol H (e.g., CH3).
0x042E kCDXProp_Atom_HDot HDot CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies the presence of an implicit hydrogen with stereochemistry specified equivalent to an explicit H atom with a wedged bond.
0x042F kCDXProp_Atom_HDash HDash CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies the presence of an implicit hydrogen with stereochemistry specified equivalent to an explicit H atom with a hashed bond.
0x0430 kCDXProp_Atom_Geometry Geometry INT8
The geometry of the bonds about this atom. This is an enumerated property.
0x0431 kCDXProp_Atom_BondOrdering BondOrdering CDXObjectIDArray
An ordering of the bonds to this node, used for stereocenters, fragments, and named alternative groups with more than one attachment.
0x0432 kCDXProp_Node_Attachments Attachments CDXObjectIDArrayWithCounts
Required for multi- and variable attached nodes. For multicenter attachment nodes or variable attachment nodes, a list of IDs of the nodes which are multiply or variably attached to this node.
0x0433 kCDXProp_Atom_GenericNickname GenericNickname CDXString
The name of the generic nickname.
0x0434 kCDXProp_Atom_AltGroupID AltGroupID CDXObjectID
The ID of the alternative group object that describes this node.
0x0435 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictSubstituentsUpTo SubstituentsUpTo UINT8
Indicates that substitution is restricted to no more than the specified value.
0x0436 kCDXProp_Atom_RestrictSubstituentsExactly SubstituentsExactly UINT8
Indicates that exactly the specified number of substituents must be present.
0x0437 kCDXProp_Atom_CIPStereochemistry AS INT8
The node's absolute stereochemistry according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system. This is an enumerated property.
0x0438 kCDXProp_Atom_Translation Translation INT8
Provides for restrictions on whether a given node may match other more- or less-general nodes. This is an enumerated property.
0x0439 kCDXProp_Atom_AtomNumber AtomNumber CDXString
Atom number, as text.
0x043A kCDXProp_Atom_ShowQuery ShowAtomQuery CDXBoolean
Show the query indicator if non-zero.
0x043B kCDXProp_Atom_ShowStereo ShowAtomStereo CDXBoolean
Show the stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x043C kCDXProp_Atom_ShowAtomNumber ShowAtomNumber CDXBoolean
Show the atom number if non-zero.
0x043D kCDXProp_Atom_LinkCountLow LinkCountLow INT16
Low end of repeat count for link nodes.
0x043E kCDXProp_Atom_LinkCountHigh LinkCountHigh INT16
High end of repeat count for link nodes.
0x043F kCDXProp_Atom_IsotopicAbundance IsotopicAbundance INT8
Isotopic abundance of this atom's isotope. This is an enumerated property.
0x0440 kCDXProp_Atom_ExternalConnectionType ExternalConnectionType INT8
Type of external connection, for atoms of type kCDXNodeType_ExternalConnectionPoint. This is an enumerated property.
0x0441 kCDXProp_Atom_GenericList GenericList CDXGenericList
A list of generic nicknames.
0x0442 kCDXProp_Atom_ShowTerminalCarbonLabels ShowTerminalCarbonLabels CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether terminal carbons (carbons with zero or one bond) should display a text label with the element symbol and appropriate hydrogens.
0x0443 kCDXProp_Atom_ShowNonTerminalCarbonLabels ShowNonTerminalCarbonLabels CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether non-terminal carbons (carbons with more than one bond) should display a text label with the element symbol and appropriate hydrogens.
0x0444 kCDXProp_Atom_HideImplicitHydrogens HideImplicitHydrogens CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether implicit hydrogens should be displayed on otherwise-atomic atom labels (NH2 versus N).
0x0445 kCDXProp_Atom_ShowEnhancedStereo ShowAtomEnhancedStereo CDXBoolean
Show the enhanced stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x0446 kCDXProp_Atom_EnhancedStereoType EnhancedStereoType UINT8
The type of enhanced stereochemistry present on this atom. This is an enumerated property.
0x0447 kCDXProp_Atom_EnhancedStereoGroupNum EnhancedStereoGroupNum UINT16
The group number associated with Or and And enhanced stereochemistry types.
0x0500 kCDXProp_Mole_Racemic Racemic CDXBoolean
Indicates that the molecule is a racemic mixture.
0x0501 kCDXProp_Mole_Absolute Absolute CDXBoolean
Indicates that the molecule has known absolute configuration.
0x0502 kCDXProp_Mole_Relative Relative CDXBoolean
Indicates that the molecule has known relative stereochemistry, but unknown absolute configuration.
0x0503 kCDXProp_Mole_Formula Formula CDXFormula
The molecular formula representation of a molecule object.
0x0504 kCDXProp_Mole_Weight Weight FLOAT64
The average molecular weight of a molecule object.
0x0505 kCDXProp_Frag_ConnectionOrder ConnectionOrder CDXObjectIDArray
An ordered list of attachment points within a fragment.
0x0600 kCDXProp_Bond_Order Order INT16
The order of a bond object. This is a bit-encoded property.
0x0601 kCDXProp_Bond_Display Display INT16
The display type of a bond object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0602 kCDXProp_Bond_Display2 Display2 INT16
The display type for the second line of a double bond. This is an enumerated property.
0x0603 kCDXProp_Bond_DoublePosition DoublePosition INT16
The position of the second line of a double bond. This is an enumerated property.
0x0604 kCDXProp_Bond_Begin B CDXObjectID
Required for bonds. The ID of the CDX node object at the first end of a bond.
0x0605 kCDXProp_Bond_End E CDXObjectID
Required for bonds. The ID of the CDX node object at the second end of a bond.
0x0606 kCDXProp_Bond_RestrictTopology Topology INT8
Indicates the desired topology of a bond in a query. This is an enumerated property.
0x0607 kCDXProp_Bond_RestrictRxnParticipation RxnParticipation INT8
Specifies that a bond is affected by a reaction. This is an enumerated property.
0x0608 kCDXProp_Bond_BeginAttach BeginAttach UINT8
Indicates where within the Bond_Begin node a bond is attached.
0x0609 kCDXProp_Bond_EndAttach EndAttach UINT8
Indicates where within the Bond_End node a bond is attached.
0x060A kCDXProp_Bond_CIPStereochemistry BS INT8
The bond's absolute stereochemistry according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system. This is an enumerated property.
0x060B kCDXProp_Bond_BondOrdering BondCircularOrdering CDXObjectIDArray
Ordered list of attached bond IDs.
0x060C kCDXProp_Bond_ShowQuery ShowBondQuery CDXBoolean
Show the query indicator if non-zero.
0x060D kCDXProp_Bond_ShowStereo ShowBondStereo CDXBoolean
Show the stereochemistry indicator if non-zero.
0x060E kCDXProp_Bond_CrossingBonds CrossingBonds CDXObjectIDArray
The set of bonds that cross a given bond.
0x060F kCDXProp_Bond_ShowRxn ShowBondRxn CDXBoolean
Show the reaction-change indicator if non-zero.
0x0700 kCDXProp_Text (not used) CDXString
Required for text objects. The text of a text object.
0x0701 kCDXProp_Justification Justification INT8
The horizontal justification of a text object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0702 kCDXProp_LineHeight LineHeight UINT16
The line height of a text object.
0x0703 kCDXProp_WordWrapWidth WordWrapWidth INT16
The word-wrap width of a text object.
0x0704 kCDXProp_LineStarts LineStarts INT16ListWithCounts
The number of lines of a text object followed by that many values indicating the zero-based text position of each line start.
0x0705 kCDXProp_LabelAlignment LabelAlignment INT8
The alignment of the text with respect to the node position. This is an enumerated property.
0x0706 kCDXProp_LabelLineHeight LabelLineHeight INT16
Text line height for atom labels
0x0707 kCDXProp_CaptionLineHeight CaptionLineHeight INT16
Text line height for non-atomlabel text objects
0x0708 kCDXProp_InterpretChemically InterpretChemically CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether to the text label should be interpreted chemically (if possible).
0x0800 kCDXProp_MacPrintInfo MacPrintInfo Unformatted
The 120 byte Macintosh TPrint data associated with the CDX document object. Refer to Macintosh Toolbox manual for detailed description.
0x0801 kCDXProp_WinPrintInfo WinPrintInfo Unformatted
The Windows DEVMODE structure associated with the CDX document object.
0x0802 kCDXProp_PrintMargins PrintMargins CDXRectangle
The outer margins of the Document.
0x0803 kCDXProp_ChainAngle ChainAngle INT32
The default chain angle setting in degrees * 65536.
0x0804 kCDXProp_BondSpacing BondSpacing INT16
The spacing between segments of a multiple bond, measured relative to bond length.
0x0805 kCDXProp_BondLength BondLength CDXCoordinate
The default bond length.
0x0806 kCDXProp_BoldWidth BoldWidth CDXCoordinate
The default bold bond width.
0x0807 kCDXProp_LineWidth LineWidth CDXCoordinate
The default line width.
0x0808 kCDXProp_MarginWidth MarginWidth CDXCoordinate
The default amount of space surrounding atom labels.
0x0809 kCDXProp_HashSpacing HashSpacing CDXCoordinate
The default spacing between hashed lines used in wedged hashed bonds.
0x080A kCDXProp_LabelStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for atom labels..
0x080B kCDXProp_CaptionStyle (not used) CDXFontStyle
The default style for non-atomlabel text objects..
0x080C kCDXProp_CaptionJustification CaptionJustification INT8
The horizontal justification of a caption (non-atomlabel text object) This is an enumerated property.
0x080D kCDXProp_FractionalWidths FractionalWidths CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether to use fractional width information when drawing text.
0x080E kCDXProp_Magnification Magnification INT16
The view magnification factor
0x080F kCDXProp_WidthPages WidthPages INT16
The width of the document in pages.
0x0810 kCDXProp_HeightPages HeightPages INT16
The height of the document in pages.
0x0811 kCDXProp_DrawingSpaceType DrawingSpace INT8
The type of drawing space used for this document. This is an enumerated property.
0x0812 kCDXProp_Width Width CDXCoordinate
The width of an object in CDX coordinate units, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x0813 kCDXProp_Height Height CDXCoordinate
The height of an object in CDX coordinate units, possibly in a rotated or skewed frame.
0x0814 kCDXProp_PageOverlap PageOverlap CDXCoordinate
The amount of overlap of pages when a poster is tiled.
0x0815 kCDXProp_Header Header CDXString
The text of the header.
0x0816 kCDXProp_HeaderPosition HeaderPosition CDXCoordinate
The vertical offset of the header baseline from the top of the page.
0x0817 kCDXProp_Footer Footer CDXString
The text of the footer.
0x0818 kCDXProp_FooterPosition FooterPosition CDXCoordinate
The vertical offset of the footer baseline from the bottom of the page.
0x0819 kCDXProp_PrintTrimMarks PrintTrimMarks CDXBooleanImplied
If present, trim marks are to printed in the margins.
0x081A kCDXProp_LabelStyleFont LabelFont INT16
The default font family for atom labels.
0x081B kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFont CaptionFont INT16
The default font style for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081C kCDXProp_LabelStyleSize LabelSize INT16
The default font size for atom labels.
0x081D kCDXProp_CaptionStyleSize CaptionSize INT16
The default font size for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x081E kCDXProp_LabelStyleFace LabelFace INT16
The default font style for atom labels.
0x081F kCDXProp_CaptionStyleFace CaptionFace INT16
The default font face for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x0820 kCDXProp_LabelStyleColor LabelColor INT16
The default color for atom labels
0x0821 kCDXProp_CaptionStyleColor CaptionColor INT16
The default color for captions (non-atom-label text objects).
0x0822 kCDXProp_BondSpacingAbs BondSpacingAbs CDXCoordinate
The absolute distance between segments of a multiple bond.
0x0823 kCDXProp_LabelJustification LabelJustification INT8
The default justification for atom labels. This is an enumerated property.
0x0824 kCDXProp_FixInplaceExtent FixInPlaceExtent CDXPoint2D
Defines a size for OLE In-Place editing.
0x0825 kCDXProp_Side Side UINT16
Required. A specific side of an object (rectangle). This is an enumerated property.
0x0826 kCDXProp_FixInplaceGap FixInPlaceGap CDXPoint2D
Defines a padding for OLE In-Place editing.
0x0827 kCDXProp_CartridgeData CartridgeData Unformatted
Transient data used by the CambridgeSoft Oracle Cartridge.
0x0900 kCDXProp_Window_IsZoomed WindowIsZoomed CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether the main viewing window is zoomed (maximized).
0x0901 kCDXProp_Window_Position WindowPosition CDXPoint2D
The top-left position of the main viewing window.
0x0902 kCDXProp_Window_Size WindowSize CDXPoint2D
Height and width of the document window.
0x0A00 kCDXProp_Graphic_Type GraphicType INT16
The type of graphical object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A01 kCDXProp_Line_Type LineType INT16
The type of a line object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A02 kCDXProp_Arrow_Type ArrowType INT16
The type of arrow object, which represents line, arrow, arc, rectangle, or orbital. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A03 kCDXProp_Rectangle_Type RectangleType INT16
The type of a rectangle object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A04 kCDXProp_Oval_Type OvalType INT16
The type of an arrow object that represents a circle or ellipse. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A05 kCDXProp_Orbital_Type OrbitalType INT16
The type of orbital object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A06 kCDXProp_Bracket_Type BracketType INT16
The type of symbol object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A07 kCDXProp_Symbol_Type SymbolType INT16
The type of symbol object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A08 kCDXProp_Curve_Type CurveType INT16
The type of curve object. This is a bit-encoded property.
0x0A20 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Size HeadSize INT16
The size of the arrow's head.
0x0A21 kCDXProp_Arc_AngularSize AngularSize INT16
The size of an arc (in degrees * 10, so 90 degrees = 900).
0x0A22 kCDXProp_Bracket_LipSize LipSize INT16
The size of a bracket.
0x0A23 kCDXProp_Curve_Points CurvePoints CDXCurvePoints
Required for curves. The Bézier curve's control point locations.
0x0A24 kCDXProp_Bracket_Usage BracketUsage INT8
The syntactical chemical meaning of the bracket (SRU, mer, mon, xlink, etc). This is an enumerated property.
0x0A25 kCDXProp_Polymer_RepeatPattern PolymerRepeatPattern INT8
The head-to-tail connectivity of objects contained within the bracket. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A26 kCDXProp_Polymer_FlipType PolymerFlipType INT8
The flip state of objects contained within the bracket. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A27 kCDXProp_BracketedObjects BracketedObjectIDs CDXObjectIDArray
The set of objects contained in a BracketedGroup.
0x0A28 kCDXProp_Bracket_RepeatCount RepeatCount FLOAT64
The number of times a multiple-group BracketedGroup is repeated.
0x0A29 kCDXProp_Bracket_ComponentOrder ComponentOrder INT16
The component order associated with a BracketedGroup.
0x0A2A kCDXProp_Bracket_SRULabel SRULabel CDXString
The label associated with a BracketedGroup that represents an SRU.
0x0A2B kCDXProp_Bracket_GraphicID GraphicID CDXObjectID
The ID of a graphical object (bracket, brace, or parenthesis) associated with a Bracket Attachment.
0x0A2C kCDXProp_Bracket_BondID BondID CDXObjectID
Required. The ID of a bond that crosses a Bracket Attachment.
0x0A2D kCDXProp_Bracket_InnerAtomID InnerAtomID CDXObjectID
Required. The ID of the node located within the Bracketed Group and attached to a bond that crosses a Bracket Attachment.
0x0A2E kCDXProp_Curve_Points3D CurvePoints3D CDXCurvePoints3D
The Bézier curve's control point locations in 3D space.
0x0A2F kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Type ArrowHeadType INT16
The type of arrowhead. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A30 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_CenterSize HeadCenterSize UINT16
The size of the arrow's head from the tip to the back of the head.
0x0A31 kCDXProp_Arrowhead_Width HeadWidth UINT16
The half-width of the arrow's head.
0x0A32 kCDXProp_ShadowSize ShadowSize UINT16
The size of the object's shadow.
0x0A33 kCDXProp_Arrow_ShaftSpacing ArrowShaftSpacing UINT16
The width of the space between a multiple-component arrow shaft, as in an equilibrium arrow.
0x0A34 kCDXProp_Arrow_EquilibriumRatio ArrowEquilibriumRatio UINT16
The ratio of the length of the left component of an equilibrium arrow (viewed from the end to the start) to the right component.
0x0A35 kCDXProp_Arrow_ArrowHead_Head ArrowHeadHead INT16
The type of arrowhead at the head of the arrow. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A36 kCDXProp_Arrow_ArrowHead_Tail ArrowHeadTail INT16
The type of arrowhead at the tail of the arrow. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A37 kCDXProp_Fill_Type FillType INT16
The type of the fill, for objects that can be filled. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A38 kCDXProp_Curve_Spacing CurveSpacing UINT16
The width of the space between a a Doubled curve.
0x0A38 kCDXProp_Closed Closed CDXBoolean
Signifies whether object is closed.
0x0A3A kCDXProp_Arrow_Dipole Dipole CDXBoolean
Signifies whether the arrow is a dipole arrow.
0x0A3B kCDXProp_Arrow_NoGo NoGo INT8
Signifies whether arrow is a no-go arrow, and the type of no-go (crossed-through or hashed-out) if so. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A3C kCDXProp_CornerRadius CornerRadius INT16
The radius of the rounded corner of a rounded rectangle.
0x0A3D kCDXProp_Frame_Type FrameType INT16
The type of frame on an object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A60 kCDXProp_Picture_Edition Edition Unformatted
The section information (SectionHandle) of the Macintosh Publish & Subscribe edition embedded in the CDX picture object.
0x0A61 kCDXProp_Picture_EditionAlias EditionAlias Unformatted
The alias information of the Macintosh Publish & Subscribe edition embedded in the CDX picture object.
0x0A62 kCDXProp_MacPICT MacPICT Unformatted
A Macintosh PICT data object.
0x0A63 kCDXProp_WindowsMetafile WindowsMetafile Unformatted
A Microsoft Windows Metafile object.
0x0A64 kCDXProp_OLEObject OLEObject Unformatted
An OLE object.
0x0A65 kCDXProp_EnhancedMetafile EnhancedMetafile Unformatted
A Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile object.
0x0A6E kCDXProp_GIF GIF Unformatted
A binary GIF data object.
0x0A6F kCDXProp_TIFF TIFF Unformatted
A binary TIFF data object.
0x0A70 kCDXProp_PNG PNG Unformatted
A binary PNG data object.
0x0A71 kCDXProp_JPEG JPEG Unformatted
A binary JPEG data object.
0x0A72 kCDXProp_BMP BMP Unformatted
A binary BMP data object.
0x0A80 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XSpacing XSpacing FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The spacing in logical units (ppm, Hz, wavenumbers) between points along the X-axis of an evenly-spaced grid.
0x0A81 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XLow XLow FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The first data point for the X-axis of an evenly-spaced grid.
0x0A82 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XType XType INT16
The type of units the X-axis represents. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A83 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YType YType INT16
The type of units the Y-axis represents. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A84 kCDXProp_Spectrum_XAxisLabel XAxisLabel CDXString
A label for the X-axis.
0x0A85 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YAxisLabel YAxisLabel CDXString
A label for the Y-axis.
0x0A86 kCDXProp_Spectrum_DataPoint (not used) FLOAT64
Required for spectra. The Y-axis values for the spectrum. It is an array of double values corresponding to X-axis values.
0x0A87 kCDXProp_Spectrum_Class Class INT16
The type of spectrum represented. This is an enumerated property.
0x0A88 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YLow YLow FLOAT64
Y value to be used to offset data when storing XML.
0x0A89 kCDXProp_Spectrum_YScale YScale FLOAT64
Y scaling used to scale data when storing XML.
0x0AA0 kCDXProp_TLC_OriginFraction OriginFraction FLOAT64
The distance of the origin line from the bottom of a TLC Plate, as a fraction of the total height of the plate.
0x0AA1 kCDXProp_TLC_SolventFrontFraction SolventFrontFraction FLOAT64
The distance of the solvent front from the top of a TLC Plate, as a fraction of the total height of the plate.
0x0AA2 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowOrigin ShowOrigin CDXBoolean
Show the origin line near the base of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AA3 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowSolventFront ShowSolventFront CDXBoolean
Show the solvent front line near the top of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AA4 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowBorders ShowBorders CDXBoolean
Show borders around the edges of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AA5 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowSideTicks ShowSideTicks CDXBoolean
Show tickmarks up the side of the TLC Plate if non-zero.
0x0AB0 kCDXProp_TLC_Rf Rf FLOAT64
The Retention Factor (Rf) of an individual spot.
0x0AB1 kCDXProp_TLC_Tail Tail CDXCoordinate
The length of the "tail" of an individual spot.
0x0AB2 kCDXProp_TLC_ShowRf ShowRf CDXBoolean
Show the spot's Retention Fraction (Rf) value if non-zero..
0x0B00 kCDXProp_NamedAlternativeGroup_TextFrame TextFrame CDXRectangle
The bounding box of upper portion of the Named Alternative Group, containing the name of the group.
0x0B01 kCDXProp_NamedAlternativeGroup_GroupFrame GroupFrame CDXRectangle
The bounding box of the lower portion of the Named Alternative Group, containing the definition of the group.
0x0B02 kCDXProp_NamedAlternativeGroup_Valence Valence INT16
The number of attachment points in each alternative in a named alternative group.
0x0B80 kCDXProp_GeometricFeature GeometricFeature INT8
The type of the geometrical feature (point, line, plane, etc.). This is an enumerated property.
0x0B81 kCDXProp_RelationValue RelationValue FLOAT64
The numeric relationship (if any) among the basis objects used to define this object.
0x0B82 kCDXProp_BasisObjects BasisObjects CDXObjectIDArray
Required for geometries and constraints. An ordered list of objects used to define this object.
0x0B83 kCDXProp_ConstraintType ConstraintType INT8
The constraint type (distance, angle, or exclusion sphere). This is an enumerated property.
0x0B84 kCDXProp_ConstraintMin ConstraintMin FLOAT64
The minimum value of the constraint.
0x0B85 kCDXProp_ConstraintMax ConstraintMax FLOAT64
The maximum value of the constraint.
0x0B86 kCDXProp_IgnoreUnconnectedAtoms IgnoreUnconnectedAtoms CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether unconnected atoms should be ignored within the exclusion sphere.
0x0B87 kCDXProp_DihedralIsChiral DihedralIsChiral CDXBooleanImplied
Signifies whether a dihedral is signed or unsigned.
0x0B88 kCDXProp_PointIsDirected PointIsDirected CDXBooleanImplied
For a point based on a normal, signifies whether it is in a specific direction relative to the reference point.
0x0BB0 kCDXProp_ChemicalPropertyType ChemicalPropertyType UINT32
The type of property (name, formula, molecular weight, etc.). This is an enumerated property.
0x0BB1 kCDXProp_ChemicalPropertyDisplayID ChemicalPropertyDisplayID CDXObjectID
The ID of a graphical object used to display the property value.
0x0BB2 kCDXProp_ChemicalPropertyIsActive ChemicalPropertyIsActive CDXBoolean
Whether the property should be recalculated in response to changes in the basis objects.
0x0C00 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map ReactionStepAtomMap CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.
0x0C01 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Reactants ReactionStepReactants CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of reactants present in the Reaction Step.
0x0C02 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Products ReactionStepProducts CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of products present in the Reaction Step.
0x0C03 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Plusses ReactionStepPlusses CDXObjectIDArray
An ordered list of pluses used to separate components of the Reaction Step.
0x0C04 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Arrows ReactionStepArrows CDXObjectIDArray
An ordered list of arrows used to separate components of the Reaction Step.
0x0C05 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_ObjectsAboveArrow ReactionStepObjectsAboveArrow CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of objects above the arrow in the Reaction Step.
0x0C06 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_ObjectsBelowArrow ReactionStepObjectsBelowArrow CDXObjectIDArray
An order list of objects below the arrow in the Reaction Step.
0x0C07 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Manual ReactionStepAtomMapManual CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.
0x0C08 kCDXProp_ReactionStep_Atom_Map_Auto ReactionStepAtomMapAuto CDXObjectIDArray
Represents pairs of mapped atom IDs; each pair is a reactant atom mapped to to a product atom.
0x0D00 kCDXProp_ObjectTag_Type TagType INT16
The tag's data type. This is an enumerated property.
0x0D03 kCDXProp_ObjectTag_Tracking Tracking CDXBoolean
The tag will participate in tracking if non-zero.
0x0D04 kCDXProp_ObjectTag_Persistent Persistent CDXBoolean
The tag will be resaved to a CDX file if non-zero.
0x0D05 kCDXProp_ObjectTag_Value Value varies
The value is a INT32, FLOAT64 or unformatted string depending on the value of ObjectTag_Type.
0x0D06 kCDXProp_Positioning PositioningType INT8
How the object should be positioned with respect to its containing object. This is an enumerated property.
0x0D07 kCDXProp_PositioningAngle PositioningAngle INT32
Angular positioning, in degrees * 65536.
0x0D08 kCDXProp_PositioningOffset PositioningOffset CDXPoint2D
Offset positioning.
0x0E00 kCDXProp_Sequence_Identifier SequenceIdentifier CDXString
Required for sequences. A unique (but otherwise random) identifier for a given Sequence object.
0x0F00 kCDXProp_CrossReference_Container CrossReferenceContainer CDXString
An external object containing (as an embedded object) the document containing the Sequence object being referenced.
0x0F01 kCDXProp_CrossReference_Document CrossReferenceDocument CDXString
An external document containing the Sequence object being referenced.
0x0F02 kCDXProp_CrossReference_Identifier CrossReferenceIdentifier CDXString
Required for cross-references.. A unique (but otherwise random) identifier for a given Cross-Reference object.
0x0F03 kCDXProp_CrossReference_Sequence CrossReferenceSequence CDXString
Required for cross-references.. A value matching the SequenceIdentifier of the Sequence object to be referenced.
0x1000 kCDXProp_Template_PaneHeight PaneHeight CDXCoordinate
Required for templategrids. The height of the viewing window of a template grid.
0x1001 kCDXProp_Template_NumRows NumRows INT16
Required for templategrids. The number of rows of the CDX TemplateGrid object.
0x1002 kCDXProp_Template_NumColumns NumColumns INT16
Required for templategrids. The number of columns of the CDX TemplateGrid object.
0x1100 kCDXProp_Group_Integral Integral CDXBoolean
The group is considered to be integral (non-subdivisible) if non-zero.
0x1FF0 kCDXProp_SplitterPositions SplitterPositions CDXObjectIDArray
An array of vertical positions that subdivide a page into regions.
0x1FF1 kCDXProp_PageDefinition PageDefinition INT8
A description of the type of formatting used by the page, or by the splitter. This is an enumerated property.
0x206 kCDXProp_BoundsInParent BoundsInParent CDXRectangle
The rectangle containing a page in the coordinate space of the containing page.


CDX Documentation index